Chapter Thirteen

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Today was the day that the whole steal the contract thing was about to go down. Ryan told me I needed to distract a man named Lorenzo, so he was currently bring me up stairs where apparently his wife is.

I didn't know he had a wife. I was happy for him though. I just hope she doesn't hate me or something like that.

He pushed me into a room and closed the door, so he was on the other side. I rolled my eyes and spotted a woman look up to me. She was around my age, maybe one or two years older since I'm pretty young compared to all the mafia men. She was really pretty. I see why Ryan went for her.

"Hi." I awkwardly waved.

"Hi!" She ran to me. "You are absolutely gorgeous! I see why he likes you!" She squealed.

"Who?" I asked.

"Nick of course!" She led me to a vanity and sat me down. "I'm Lily."

"I'm Amelia." I replied.

"Nice to meet you." She told me.


"I sorry I'm really excited. It's just that I don't get to hangout with a lot of girls since I always hang out with mafia, so I'm just really excited to have a girl to talk to." She rushed out.

"Me too. I don't really have any close friends." I mumbled out, embarrassed. I had some friends who I hung out with sometimes from work and high school, but I wasn't really close with them, and I haven't seen them for awhile because of my situation.

"Great. I think we could be good friends then." She smiled. "Let's start on your look. Ryan said sexy so I'm doing sexy. Nick is going to flip out when he sees you." I chuckled. I hope he won't.

After about two hours, I looked at myself in the mirror. My makeup was natural but more defined than usual. My long brown hair was in a goddess-like style and curled. My heels were a bright red to match the dress. And the dress. The dress was a gorgeous red that hugged my curves and showed off my legs and a little bit of my chest. I looked really hot. Not cute. Hot.

I walked out of the room and down the stairs. I heard Nick talking to Ryan, Lily, and some other men, so I went into that room. My heels clicked against the ground, so when I walked in, all eyes were on me.

Nick stared at me for a bit, taking in everything my appearance had to offer. His eyes were darker as he raked his over over my body. He then walked to me.

"Change." He firmly stated.

"Why? She looks hot." Lily piped up.

"Amelia, go change." He repeated.

"Nick, you do realize the whole point of her coming is to distract Lorenzo. She can definitely do it in that. My wife did a good job." Ryan spoke and smiled at his wife, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and bringing her closer. "It's like my little sister has grown up." He wiped away a fake tear.

I giggled. "Let's go Nick. We don't have all night." I spoke up for the first time.

"Amelia," He warned.

"Nick, I'm supposed to distract him. I can distract him while you guys get the contract, and then we can come home and be done with this the faster we leave." I reasoned.

"Why did I agree to this?" He grumbled as he started walking to the car, keeping me close by with an arm around my waist.

• • •

Nick's POV

She looked so good in that dress. All I wanted to do was rip it off of her. Every curve was highlighted, making any man wonder how good she looks under the fabric. I didn't want any other man thinking about her like that. I should be the only one.

I snapped out of my thoughts when everyone started to exit the limousine. She entered before us so nothing would look suspicious, and I hoped she would be okay.

I greeted some of the men here and chatted for a bit before I saw the go signal. I wanted to make sure he was occupied myself, so I looked around for her.

The sight had my blood boiling. He was talking to her, making her blush. I was the only one who should make her blush.

I quickly rushed up the stairs to get this over with faster, so I can come home with her.

Ryan and some of my other men were already there. Ryan had already started cracking the safe when I got there, so it wasn't long before it was open. I searched through all the files, and after about five minutes of searching, Ryan found it.

"Perfect." I said as he handed it to me.  I slipped it inside my pocket and cleaned everything up at a lightening pace.

Once we were done, I almost sprinted to get to Amelia.

"Wait!" Ryan yelled. "We can't just go over to her. Lorenzo would know she is with us if you did." He's right. Damn. Why did I agree to this again?

I saw Amelia still talking to Lorenzo. She blushed again from what he had said and if I wasn't going to snap before, I was now. He kissed her. He fucking kissed her!

Ryan held me back as I pushed him away. Some more of my men came to restrain me. I saw her pushing him away and saying something which had him backing off. I let out a breath of frustration.

"Someone get her before I fucking lose it." I growled.

"I'm pretty sure you did lose it." Ryan mumbled.

"He kissed her, Ryan!"

"So? She isn't yours remember." He taunted. I felt like snapping his neck right about now.

"She is." I growled.

"No, she isn't. She won't be yours until you make her yours. And since you seem so adamant about not getting her involved with our world, it seems she'll never be yours." I knew what he was doing. He was trying to provoke me to do what I've been wanting to do since I first met her.

I sighed. "I know what you're doing. I don't want to talk about this now. I just want to go home with her." I saw her leaving with one of my men, and I knew that meant I could leave in about 20 minutes.

Once I was finally back at the villa, I walked into the kitchen to see her still in the dress. I greedily took in her appearance, letting my eyes enjoy the view.

"Did you get it?" She asked, turning around. Perceptive little thing.

"Yep." I said. "Now I can destroy it."

"What is that contract anyway?" She asked.

"It's a peace treaty between my family and his. The only way to end the peace treaty is to destroy the contract, so I destroyed my copy, and now, I have have to destroy his."

"Well, I'm glad to have you here safe next to me." She smiled.

"I'm glad too."

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