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A grim cloud shadowed over Malfoy Manor as a storm had threatened to break loose. Salazar sat in the library reading as if he had nothing else to do.

He quickly looked up from his book when a loud crashing sound could be heard throughout the manor. Salazar stood up and walked towards the drawing room which was at the next room over from the library.

"Draco, what have you broken this time?" Salazar asked as he looked over his book from where he was standing.

"I was practicing a bit of magic before we go to Hogwarts tomorrow," Draco answered as he stood over a broken vase, holding his wand in his hand.

Salazar rolled his eyes and walked over to the nearest chair to sit down and continue reading.

"How do you even do that?"

"What?" Salazar asked, looking up from his book again.

"Read constantly and never put your book down? And you're always so focused." Draco said curiously.

"Maybe if you would just try you would understand."

Salazar continued to read the book that he held in his hand as if nothing had happened and nothing had been said. Draco walked over to the long black leather couch that sat in the room and sat down.

The two boys sat in silence till the clock struck twelve, indicating that it was noon.

"What are you even reading this time?" Draco questioned.

Salazar glanced up from his book in pure annoyance this time.

"It's a book about astronomy. Why don't you read it while I go make myself some tea?" Salazar suggested as he stood up and shoved the book towards Draco.

"Er, reading's not exactly my thing, but I guess I'll try."

Salazar silently walked out of the room into the entrance hall. He and Draco had never fully gotten along as they had barely anything in common at all.

Draco was more enthusiastic and extroverted about things, while Salazar was more calm and introverted.

Salazar thought about everything that would happen at Hogwarts as he walked up the stairs into yet another long hallway.

"Master Salazar! Would you like Dobby to make you a cup of tea?" the strange creature named Dobby asked as he stood at Salazar's feet.

"Yes, that would be nice. Thank you, Dobby. While you're at it could you see if Aunt Narcissa is back yet? I need to ask her about something." Salazar said calmly.

"Yes, Dobby will be right on it, Master Salazar," Dobby squeaked before running off down the hall.

Dobby had much more respect for Salazar than anyone else in the manor. Salazar was the only one who treated the poor house elf with some amount of kindness.

Salazar continued down the hall until he reached the next door. The door had a sign with the name Salazar carved into it. As he turned the handle he felt the coldness of the silver transfer to his hand. As he opened the door a gust of warm air exited the room, desperate for escape.

The room was warm and humid. Late summer breezes blew peacefully through the open window. Salazar had remembered that he opened the window that morning but had forgotten to close it before going to breakfast.

Air was filled with the smell of rain. Salazar silently walked over to the window to close it. The sound of a loud raven cawing started Salazar making him drop his book out the window.

Without thinking Salazar quickly ran out of his room and into the hall. Once again he was greeted by Dobby who was carrying a tray of freshly brewed tea.

"Dobby, set that on the table in my room. I'll be right back." Salazar said hurriedly before running past the elf.

As the next few minutes past, Salazar found himself standing below his window outside with no book in sight.

"Oh no, what have I done?" Salazar groaned to himself.

Laughter filled Salazar's ears as he said this. He turned around to see his cousin on the ground laughing.

"It's not funny Draco! I dropped my book and that bloody bird must've taken it!" Salazar complained. He was sure that this just made Draco laugh more.

"T-this is ex-exactly why you shouldn't read so much!" Draco said through laughter. He was still on his hands and knees gasping for air.

Salazar gave his cousin a very unpleasant look. This made Draco jump up and run away as fast as he could.

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