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Jennie rushed out of the room, risking her life

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Jennie rushed out of the room, risking her life.

"Jennie-ah!" you screamed, tears streaming down your face. You ran after Jennie to see Yeri in her arms. Jennie carried Yeri inside the room as you locked the door behind you. Blood cascaded down Yeri's body as her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Jennie applied pressure to Yeri's wound. You were positive the blood would stain Jennie's hands.

Jennie then shouted at you, "Y/n, call 119! Have them send an ambulance!"

You were in emotional shock. Having seen this, you couldn't forget it. The ambulance picked Yeri up in a matter of 5 minutes. The men turned the sirens on and took her to the hospital. You and Jennie watched as the ambulance sped off, and turned to go inside. When you two entered your dorm room, Jennie walked over to the sink. The water flowed removing the first layer or Yeri's blood on her hands. You watched Jennie pump soap and begin scrubbing. You sat down at the couch to process what had just happened. You grabbed up your phone dialing Taehyung's number. He picked up the phone after two beeps.

"Hey Y/n, what's up?" he bubbled. You didn't answer.

"Y/n? What is the matter? I can hear you breathing", he chuckled.

You choked on your tears, "I need you".

His deep voice comforted you in an unexplainable way. "Okay, I'm on my way", he said sincerely.

You pressed the end button and placed your phone on the marble, coffee table. Jennie and you had been traumatized from what had taken place. No emotions had been expressed except the shock in your voice while talking to Taehyung. Jennie moved away from the sink with her blood-stained hands. She dragged herself into her bed and threw a peach colored comforter over herself. You could hear her straining breaths into the pillow. Tears had still been gliding down your face, one by one. You kept your ground, on the couch and decided not to ask Jennie if she was okay. You knew whenever someone had said they were fine, they really weren't.

Minutes later, you heard a knock at the door. You swung yourself off the couch to open the door for Taehyung. You grasped the doorknob weakly and unlocked the door chain. Taehyung stood leaning against the door frame. Your red, bloodshot eyes met with his as you slowly opened the door. Taehyung let himself inside as you shut the door behind him. When you turned around your face fell into him as he wrapped his long, strong arms around your waist. Knowing the fact that you felt safe with him, you cried even more. Salty tears leaked onto Taehyung's white t-shirt as he caressed your lower back. You stood their even longer than normal crying into his chest until he guided you to the couch.

He gently lifted your head up, "Are you willing to tell me what in the devil's name just happened Y/n?"

You swallowed hoping to talk without choking.

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