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"Kiyomitsu!" Shinano came running up to me. Shinano Aizawa is the club president of the drama club, 5'8 with blonde hair and a face that can express so many emotions.. it caught most hearts of girls in the school.. perfect for drama.

"Did you finish the 1st years costumes yet? the play is only 2 days awa-" "Im almost done, Im heading to the club room to finish right now, Ive got the pants and skirts done, along with the hats and armor." I said flipping through my english book trying to find a sentence to copy down for my homework.

"Ah thank goodness.. Oh! the reason why I came here in the first place was, if you can, my older sisters favourite pair of jeans ripped around the inner thigh, Geez.. I told her to stop snacking with her friends.. But she asked me if I could ask you to fix i-" "Just give them to me whenever you can, Ill have them done A-S-A-P.
"Youre a real life saver Kiyomitsu.."

I shut my english book and grabbed my stuff. "Im heading to the club room now, excuse me.." "Ah later!"


I unlocked the club room and headed towards the back, thats where I kept the costumes or clothing.

Since the handy crafts club is so reliable, the school gives us credit for fixing, making, and selling our clubwork for the school. They give us a tasks, like fixing up old uniforms for spares, torn gym cloths, or just like now, costumes for a school play, obviously all is directed by the student council.

As I was fixing the last parts of the costumes, a student who looked like a sports club student came through the door in a hurry.

"U-Um.. Can I help you?" "Ah! im sorry.. pardon my intrusion but this is the handy crafts club right?"

The student was a tall, lean boy, spikey brown hair that went straight up, and a nervous look on his face, he was wearing a black t shirt with red gym shorts.

"Yes, is there something you need?" Then it hit me, This is the same guy that came in here yesterday asking for his 'friends' gym pants to be fixed because it ripped in the middle of practice.

"O-Oh im sorry! Hah, Yes Ill get your gym pants right away." I put my glasses on top of my head and headed towards the back, I pulled out the pair of gym pants and headed back out.

"Here you are... may I ask how, exactly your 'friend' ripped these? It was quite the tear.."

The tear was almost all the way down the leg to the ankle. So i was really curious. "Oh, this fellow first year in our club is super tall, and hes kinda an air head, he was trying to get a cat out of a tree and he got his pants stuck on a branch and fell, I guess tearing the pants.."

I tried Imagining it in my head and I made myself giggle. "Well, tell your friend not to do that again, Im pretty busy, see you!" "Ah thank you again!"


"And.. ah finished.." I tied the loop and secured the knot.

I decided to dial up Shinano to tell him to pick up his costumes, he came and got them and thanked me, I guess a million times.. So dramtic..

I decided to head home since nobody was coming today since all the other club members are 3rd years and have to study for a test. I made my way down the hall and looked through the window, the sun was starting to set.

As I headed home, a few cats came up to me, I petted them and started to walk again.


Kiyomitsu Shikimaru

2nd year
likes: sewing, cooking, cats, tea cake.
dislikes: noisy events, carrots, messy hair
Dark Brunette
Dark green eyes
Lives with her aunt

Friends : Shinano Aizawa , Chiaki Sawa (older), Sara Sawa (younger) , Kou Izumi.

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