Chapter 1

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One day, I wont hear this when I walk to school..

Kou, an over active cheery girl, brown eyes, silvery brown hair, 5'6 1st year in the track team.

"Good morning Kou.." I said rubbing my eyes and turning a corner. "Goodmorning! Hey dont rub your eyes that bad for your eyesight!" She grabbed my hands with hers and pulled me along.

"You always get to class right before the bell rings! You should get there early for once." She said scolding me like a hall monitor.

"I was up last night fixing Shinanos sisters jeans.." I said taking my hand back. "Shinano? Youre still friends with him?" She said turning around but still walking. "Um, yeah I guess, I mean I made most of the costumes for the school play." I said taking out my phone.

I shivered. Pulling my sweater tighter around me. "Ooh! I see the school-" "You should run, get most of your morning energy out.." I said yawning at the word 'run'

"Kiyomitsu! Kou!" We heard Saras voice come up behind us, as she caught up she was panting a little. "You ok? Do you need some water-" "Nah im good, I just dont do any exercise besides PE... ahh.." We stopped for her to cath her breath and walked the rest of the way to school chatting.


"Hey, my brothers friend is on the volleyball team and I heard theyre going to play a tournament on friday, wanna go?" Sara said.

Sara, Music club. golden eyes, black wavy short hair, bright pure personality, 5'3 younger Sawa Twin.

Chiaki Sawa, basketball team. Golden eyes Black wavy hair w/ undercut. 5'9 same personality as Sara.

"Ill definitely go!" Kou said raising her hand looking like a elementary schooler.
"What about you Mitsu san?" (Mitsu = Kiyomitsus nickname by Sara since Middle school)

"Hmm, sounds intresting, but I dont like loud places.." "Thats true.. You can bring ear plugs!-" "Like hell I would.." I said stuffing the rest of my lunch in my mouth.

"Kay! Its decided!" "It has not-" "Friday were all going to the tournament!" Kou said with glimmering eyes. "Ahh.. fine.." I said leaning back soaking in the sun through the window.



"Is, Is this the right place...?" I looked in front to a large building, Looked like a gym but 3x bigger...

"Mitsu~!" Chiaki said, coming up behind me and hugging me over the shoulders. "Disgusting... Sara chi.. get your perverted brother off me.." "Cant right now! I gotta call Kou!" Sara said pulling out her phone.

As I struggled to get out of the older twins antagonizing hugs, Kou came around the corner.


"This is so much bigger than our gym, is this even a gym?" Kou said turning around in circles. "This is just the lounging room, If we go upstairs we'll get to the seats."

"I am not made for stairs." I stated as I climbed the last flight of stairs. "Fight on Mitsu chi!" Sara said in a cheering pose.

We got down near the railing down by the chairs near the court where nekoma was playing, we saw our school a couple of rows down cheering on. "The student council gathers abunch of students to come and cheer the volleyball team on because apparently we used to be a power house." Chiaki said taking off his jacket.

"Powerhouse?" I said leaning again the rails. "Like, a really strong team." Kou said excited.

"Ah look isnt that Tetsu san?" Sara said pointing to a guy with spikey black hair, looking almost like a Rooster.


"Whats so funny?"


A few minutes later our volleyball team and another finally headed out onto the court. Apparently the school was Aobajōsai, an apparently a popular private school in the miyagi prefecture. Saying popular because there are. Alot. of fangirls.. are some of them Idols or something?

Id say theres an equal amount of school supporters from both sides.


"Good luck!" "Do your best!"

Our team looked at the crowd where our school supporters were and waved.

Chiaki of course had his own way of supporting.

"Kuro do your damn best out there!" Catching the supposed captains attention, he smirked a shitty grin and walked away.

"Ah~ I wanna kill him!"

Note: Chiaki is the basketballs team captain, So him and Kuro are on Friendly but Deadly Terms.

Some of the players focused attention on us three girls, Kou and Sara noticed this and waved at them.

"Yaku chi is my classmate, he was telling everybody about this game because he wanted to look cool~ hehe~" "Is that who you were waving to?" I said looking at the person again. "Why is he the only one dressed differently?"

"Hes a libero, they have like the best reflexes of any person on the team! At least thats what he told me." She said. "Is that... Kozume San and The first year?"


"Inouka who are you looking at?" Yaku said looking up at the seating. "Ah, that girl right there in the middle, shes the one who fixed the gym cloths the other day" He said turning to Yaku.

"Oh... When that damn bastard ripped his pants." "Yaku senpai, calm down!"

"Inouka, can you bring the balls already?" "Sorry! My bad, im coming!"

"Its been awhile since theres been this many school supporters, and to think Chiaki would come.." Kai said putting a hand on his hip. "That damn Basketball man will never learn the volleyball club is wayy more superior.. I bet hes mocking me right now-" "Kuro stop being salty and start serving.." Kenma said sighing.


Apparently, Nekoma won the first and last set, making them win. I could sort of follow through but got kind of dizzy in the process, It also looked like their arms were gonna fall off..

"Thats sooo scary... like their arms were gonna snap.." I said sitting down in a chair. "They train hard, it really makes me wanna train harder!" Chiaki said getting a bit excited.

"Ooh! Wanna play a few rounds of basketball after this?" Kou said pumping him up even more.

Please no. I could barely climb the stairs without my legs feeling like noodles.

"You guys can go ahead, Ill watch.." I said picking up my stuff.

"Chiaki look dammit!" Kuro said catching his attention. Chiaki headed to the railing and saw Kuro obnoxiously holding up a trophie.
Chiakis face said 'Go die scum' while Kuros said 'No you'
Sara kicked him and gave the team a thumbs up, Earning smiles from the team. Then proceeded to drag her annoying brother out of the bleacher area.
I looked across and saw the disappointed Aobajōsai students packing their stuff.

I looked down at the team and looked at my fellow classmate. "Cmon Kiyomitsu lets go go go!!" "Alright alright im coming.."

It made me utterly confused that Kozume was on the volleyball team though. That guy looked like he wasnt even able to walk most of the time.

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