chapter 2

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I walked down the halls of the 2nd year floor a bit tired, since the handy crafts club had no work, and no seniors were there, I am the only one without anybody.

The seniors of the handy craft club were nice, but also very lazy, they used almost every excuse to get out of a project, leaving it to me, an underclassman to do all the work.

They come in at least though. Just not every day.


"Uwaaa... look at all these costumes. Hehe~ I helped out with that one~" An annoying upperclassman said pointing and getting all giddy.

But I did all the rest...

The club president told me I will make a great club president for next year, He gave me a long boring speech about how to work hard.  Until it turned into a rant about self loath of his own designs. 

Me too prez.. me too.

People in my class often ask me to help them with a frayed skirt, pants, or small tears. I usually tell them its something you can fix with fabric glue but they want it done neatly.

As I go on inside my head! I didnt notice someone was behind me.

"Kiyo-Kiyomitsu san..." I turn my head around in shock. "O-oh my bad, Kozume san? Do you need something?"


"Ah, Im sorry, I should have told you I was coming that day, im sorry. My friends begged me to come along and I couldnt shake them off, but I ended up learning about what capabilities you have Kozume san, youre more intresting than I thought." I said with a slight smile.

"Oh, I see, well.." He hesitated for a moment. "Did you enjoy it?" He said scratching the back of his head.

I was a bit confused, mostly since ive barely talked to Kozume san, but the fact he wanted to know why I was there and wasnt a part of the school cheering team. "It wasnt bad actually.. I havnt done volleyball anywhere else besides PE or at the beach, im not very good at it, but, seeing people who are good at it made me feel a little bit exited." I said softly.

His face turned from a gloomy 'I dont understand, why is my classmate actually talking to me' to a more surprised look. "I, Um..." "A-ah im sorry Kozume san, was that too much??" I said getting a little worried.

"No its fine, im just... Ive never heard anyone put it into words like that.." He said looking up at me. "I dont know why, but ever since my friend made me start playing volleyball, and started playing in this team at Nekoma, I havnt been able to put it into words... I-I mean I wasnt asking you to put in words but, you did it unintentionally, while giving me an answer, I admire people like you Kiyomitsu. Thanks, sorry for intruding on your study time." "Its totally fine! Youre welcome."

As I walked away I just thought about what I did..

what? Wait what. What? Did I just. Give Kozume advice?

Replaying what I said in my head I suddenly turned bright red and dropped to my knees. "waa.. so embarrassing..."


"You! Beautiful Girl!" I open my eyes in shock.

Oh god.. this is my creepy classmate thats always begging for females to become their team manager.

Yama.. What was his name?

"Ah, Er... Yamamoto san? Was it?" I said backing up slightly. Dont get me wrong, I bet he's a nice guy, but his personality is a bit much..

"Yes! A girl remembered my name! Ill remember this moment forever!" He said getting a bit closer.

"C-can you move back a bit? This is too much.." I said softly trying not to sound mean. "M-mY BAD! I am so sorry!" "Its ok..."

"Oi! You! Is this guy bothering you?" A man, with spikey black hair-

Oh my god its rooster!

"I-I-I..." Being frozen in shock, due to how tall these two were. I tried my best to stop my heart before I have an asthma attack. "I.. No..." I said softly.

My nature of people is only my friends, And my Aunt. Anyone outside of that circle of people becomes a bit too much for me to handle.

"You.. Are you ok your face is red and youre breathing really hard.. Are you sick?" He said while holding my shoulder.

Thats right! My inhaler!

"Hold, Hold on a second.." I said while digging through my bag and finding my inhaler and turning around taking a few breaths.

"I am so sorry, Im not used to people besides my friends, and especially when they're super tall.." I said turning back around.

Cue and arrow with the word 'Tall' shooting into Kuros head.

"Sorry for giving you a fright... Also sorry for this MORON getting you startled.." "Im sorry! I wouldnt do anything to hurt a beautiful gi-" "Shut up Yamamoto!" A shorter person, around my height but a bit shorter came up up behind the two. "Captain.. Coach is calling for you, Yamamoto stop bothering girls and start practicing!" He snapped. The two headed off and the Supposed captain gave me a smile and walked off.

"I am so sorry for the inconvenience you just had, Those two dont know how to handle their own large bodies around other people.." He said scratching the back of his head.

This guy... Hes saras classmate!

"Youre.. Saras classmate.. The libero right?" I said from what memory of the volleyball game I had. "Y-Yeah! Sara told you that? Geez~" He said getting a soft little bluss at the corners lf his eyes.

"She talked about how you went on to your classmates about how youre a libero, she thinks youre amazing!" I said with a soft smile. "Really? Im not professional amazing but-" "Kiyomitsu!" Sara said walking steadily out the doors towards me.

"Ah there she is! A bet she would have fun talking with you." I said as I looked him in the eye. "I- Ive got practice-" "Yaku san! How are you doing?" Sara said coming up and waving at him. "Sara san! Im good! Ive got practice right now though.. " "Aw.. too bad! Maybe sometime when youre not going to practice we could walk together?" She said calmly.

I stared at her.

Did she just. Ask Yaku senpai to walk home with her?

Then, Yakus face turned a bright red and started stuttering words We couldnt comprehend, he gave us a wave and ran into the gym and shut the door. "Hmm~? Too bad, Hes really intresting~" Then. Words I though would never come out of my mouth came out.

"Do you like him?" I said. Then I covored my mouth. "I-Im sorry thats a personal questio-"
"Of course I do!" She said with a bright face and a small flush on her cheeks. "Hes so cute! Hes not super tall and flashy like other boys, and he gets excited talking about his volleyball stuff! I sometimes listen to him rant before class, then he gets all embarrassed and hes like "I-Im sorry for taking up your time!"" On the way home I continued to listen to her, confidently talk about her crush on Yaku senpai.

The it hit me.

Older brother = on the basketball team = Basketball teams captain = Basketball Captain with Volleyball captian = Not good

Sara.. Im not going to indulge myself if your personal affairs, so please, if you ever have Yaku senpai as a Boyfriend Keep it a secret for as long as Possible..

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