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"they are sleeping over because mom and dad are going to Singapore for business trip, i think for about 2 months??" baekhyun said

"WHAT?!!" i shouted "so they are sleeping over f-for about 2 months!?"

"yes!!!! arent you happy!!" chanyeol said while hugging me

"n-no get lost! i dont agree!" i remark

"baekhyun i will be sleeping in the guest room, goodnight" kai said and sehun and chanyeol followed behind him

what? how could he, didnt he hate me? why he wants to stay over here?

"why were you sleeping in my room" baekhyun said while putting his bag away

"what? are you playing dumb??? YOU WET MY BED HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSE TO SLEEP THEN" i was so mad he forget that he wets my bed

he laugh "ouh im so sorry" he continue to laugh "but if you sleep on my bed, where am i going to sleep then?" he ask with his blur face

"floor or at the guest room where your friends are sleeping" i said while getting to sleep again, i heard he get out of room, i guess he choose to sleep with his friends


it was already morning where i found myself hugging chanyeol and sehun hugging a wall...eh where is kai??? i stand up and find kai

"where are you going?" i heard a voice

"omYGODD- KAI!! you shock me! what you doing on the floor?!" i was really shocked when he said that with his eyes close

"theres no space on the bed so i move down here" he said still with eyes close

"ahhh sorry if the bed is small, chaehyun did not use her bed because i throw water on her yesterday morning and it didnt dry yet so maybe it has dried now ?? so dont worry tonight you will be sleeping on the bed" i said while helping him to get up "its okay baek i understand" he laugh while saying that

[after getting ready all the boys were down for breakfast]

"yah baekhyun where is chaehyun" oh shit i forget to wake her up "kai can you help me wake her up? she is in my room." he was surprise as i ask him to help me "okay" he replied


i didnt expect baekhyun asking me to wake her sister, hais im going to see that ugly women early in the morning, as i step in baekhyun room i smell a sweet fragrance, it was strawberry smell. i didnt sure it came from baekhyun or chaehyun because when i walk in baekhyun's room yesterday there is no sweet smell. i walk to the bed and try to wake her up as i heard

"what are you doing?"

not gonna lie i was startled abit but i act normal after that, i clear my throat

"baekhyun said come down for breakfast,f-faster" why was i stuttering gosh, after i said that i went down quickly. so the sweet fragrance was from her as she came out of the bathroom i smell it from there. like sister like brother, both loves strawberry


did i just make a cold boy shocked? wow chaehyun impressive. then i took my school bag and went down for breakfast.

"MORNING BOYS hows your first night ?" i said

"it was great, i like the smell aura in that room, it smells strawberry" chanyeol said "strawberry?? but no one used that room till yesterday.." i said in confusion "thats because you were hugging me yesterday pabo" baekhyun hit chanyeol head "ohhhh" chanyeol said while rubbing his head

after we all ate breakfast, we went outside to get in baekhyun's car "hmm guys i dont think my car can fit yall 4.... unless if one of you sit on other person lap, all of them look at me "what" i said "you going to sit either me kai or chanyeol lap" sehun said while he wiggle his eyebrows "WHAT??? NO WAY, if there is no space, im walking to school then!" i walk away "yah chaehyun!! you cant walk alone!!" i purposely ignore baekhyun and walk faster

i walk and walk away from there and now im much further from them,, i like the air feeling in the morning, its not that sunny and dark just perfect, but why do i feel like someone is following me? i turned, but no one was there so i continue walking and then i heard someone fall

"owwwww shit"

to be continue

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