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It was back to school for Carter-- much to his dismay. One he entered his school he considered the fact that maybe this had been a prank from his friend Luke.

Luke was a blonde haired and green eyed. A complete joker. He was more of the prankster than any one he knew. It wouldn't surprise him if it was Luke but Carter would be embarrassed if it was Luke who he was talking to.

He saw Luke on the school field talking to some girls. Of course the girls where interested. Luke was handsome.

"Oi, Luke!" Carter called from the stands.

Luke said goodbye to the very interested girls and went off to his buddy. Once he got to Carter's side he waved a phone number he had gotten.

"Got it from Jessica. She wants me to..." He winked, "call her."

Carter shook his unbandaged head at his closest friend, "that's great, but can I ask you something?"

"No, you cannot have Jessica after me," Luke replied before he said anything.

Carter cringed and wondered 'why in the world am I friends with this guy', "no man. I mean... are you like... pulling a prank on me?"

Luke was interested now, "what?"

"Someone texted me. They didn't say their name. I was wondering if it was you?" Carter asked him.

Luke frowned, "no man. Why would I-- look if i wanted to prank you I'd shave of your eyebrows or remove the wheels off your board... but text you... that would be below me."

Carter examined his best friend and deemed him innocent, "okay."

"Is it a girl?" Luke asked and Carter nodded, "can I see?"

Carter handed him the phone and Luke started scanning through the messages. He found her intresting but he was slightly dubious about her.

"Weird. Why would her best friend just give her your number unless the best friend knows you..." Luke said and Carter had a button press in his brain.

"What if it's Sam trying to see if I'm loyal. Or maybe it's her friends." Both the boys nodded.

They had planned on investigating. Sam was not below testing Carter's loyalties before by making Carter drive her hot friend home but Carter was not a cheater.


Sam was giving Carter silent treatment. He hadn't told her why he didn't meet her by his house and when she arrived no one was there. She waited but not for long.

Now was lunch. They where in a court yard. Carter sat with  Luke and Sam sat with her two friends. Mandy and Megan. Twins.

She wanted Carter to give her attention now. She wanted him to beg for forgiveness but she knew Carter was not the begging type and if she pushed it, Carter would leave. Not that Carter was rude it was just Carter didn't like being pushed into things or being told what to do. He wasn't a rebel, he just didn't like being unhappy.

Carter got up from his table. He had full intentions of apologising to her but as soon as he arrived Sam got up from her table and left.

'Well then,' Carter thought and followed her into the building.

She stood by her locker with her arms folded. A angry look on her and yet Carter still found her beautiful. Was that normal?

"Sam I'm sorry." He said putting his hands on her folded arms, "I was riding my skate board and fell right of. I hit my head hard and had to go to the hospital."

"And you didn't even call! I waited forever," She lied.

"I know I'm sorry. It slipped my mind but also the doctor said I should stay away from bright screens and shit, "  He lied too. This was their relationship. Sugar coating.

Samantha felt the anger slowly subside and he hugged her. She loved his smell. It was like spice and forests. She smiled into his chest because the truth is... she didn't want his apologies... she wanted attention.

He pulled away and looked her deep in her blue irises, "I will make it up to you, ok?" Sam smiled and nodded, "I'm going to take you-"

Carter's phone buzzed in his pocket. His finger twitched. He hadn't heard from miss anonymous (what he called her now) for the entire day.

Sam didn't notice the twitch instead she smiled happily waiting for him.

"I'm going to take you out on a date soon." He finished looking back at her, "I promise."

Sam smiled, "thank you."

"Anything for you Sam." He meant it at this moment as he kissed her soft lips.

The bell sounded meaning class was soon. He went back to the court yard, got his bag and went into his class. It was math. It bored him but he was great at it so he didn't feel guilty about using his phone and talking to 'miss anonymous.'

Did you die while I was gone?

Not yet.

Now that is a funny joke.

Yay. At least. Did I make you laugh.

I Smiled a bit.

Are you lying?

No. I try my best not to lie.

And how is that going?


Have you lied to me?


But before he could reply the teacher called his name and requested his phone. Sam was in his class and everyone including her gave him a look. The teacher would give it to him after school.

He was upset now. Curiosity had gotten the best of him and through each class his leg would bounce up and down under the table in anticipation. His fingers would twitch with impatience and he'd rake his hand through his dark hair.

What had she lied  about? His brain racked. It was something he couldn't assume.

Although he was frustrated with anticipation he found that he had actaully enjoyed it. It made his heart race and he loved it slightly. The adrenaline of getting his phone and not knowing what the stranger had lied about.

It scared him a bit. What if it was someone close? Someone dangerous? He forgot all this when the final bell rang and he ran to his math teachers class and retrieved his phone.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2018 ⏰

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