Chapter: One

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I slowly flutter my eyes open. I turn around in my bed but hiss quietly when I feel a sharp pain in my ankle. Ignoring it, I get up slowly and make my way to the bathroom. I look myself in the mirror and see a dull hazel eyes staring back at me.

I have dark circles all round my eyes which look horrible. I sigh and close my eyes. It's another day, a new opportunity for me to get my life together and start doing the things I love.

But the nightmares I get every single night don't help at all. The accident feels like it just happened yesterday. I remember everything so vividly which makes it impossible to forget anything.

It was my fourteenth birthday. December 24. I was so excited that I would finally meet my father after a year. I had been waiting for this day eagerly. My father was in the Navy so I didn't see him as much but loved him with all my heart. I was going to meet him at a restaurant not so far away from my house, to gather together for a small feast for my birthday and also for his arrival. I lived with my mother, who, I also loved dearly.

My parents had been together for almost twenty years and were still so in love. My mother was just as excited to meet him. Although they were in their late forties, they still sometimes acted like teenagers, which was quite funny at times.

My mother woke me up early in the morning that day. She gave me my birthday present, a leather bound diary, (which I now use as my journal) and told me shower as quickly as possible. The weather outside wasn't that great. It had been snowing a little bit for an hour or so but it wasn't freezing on the ground.

I quickly dressed up in plain dark blue jeans and a black hoddie and put my hair in a simple ponytail. My blond hair weren't that long so I didn't make a braid. I had recently cut my hair from my waist till my shoulders. I wanted to give my dad a surprise.

My mother looked as lovely as ever. Her face was glowing because she was going to see her husband after such a long time. We both sat in the car and she started to drive after five minutes or so.

On the way, we talked about the times when we all used to hang out together in the nearby park. Those were the good times. As we were about to enter the high way, my mother, who was just about to turn the car to the left side stopped suddenly as we heard a loud honk from the other side. What I saw made my mother and I scream on top of our voices.

A truck was coming in our direction at full speed. My mother tried to reverse the car but it was too late. The truck hit the car from the right side, totally crushing it. I heard my mother cry and yell out for me as the truck hit me, making our car turn around. I saw her come towards me and as she tried to cover me so that the truck didn't hit me completely.

It was so frightening. It still gives me panic attack just think about it.

After that everything was a blur. I heard my mother shouting for help. I saw her from my blurry vision. She was bruised so badly and was bleeding.

I could taste a metallic liquid entering my mouth, which came from my nose, as I assumed.

I felt dizzy. I opened my mouth to speak and tell my mother that we both would be fine, but my throat felt so dry that no voice came. I could feel someone pulling me out of the car and someone calling out my name again and again and at that time, everything turned black.

I open my eyes and feel the tears rolling on my cheeks uncontrollably. I sobbed hysterically which felt like for hours.

Today was the last day of my summer holidays. Tomorrow would be my first day as a senior in high school. For the past two years, I had attended an online school because I was too afraid to go to an actual public school.

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