This is where it all begins!

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'The entire time I knew Thanos he only ever had one goal, he used to kill people planet by planet, massacre by massacre, if he gets all the six infinity stones, he can do it with the snap of his fingers'

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'The entire time I knew Thanos he only ever had one goal, he used to kill people planet by planet, massacre by massacre, if he gets all the six infinity stones, he can do it with the snap of his fingers'.

'All my life I dreamed of a day, a moment, that you got what you deserved, you asked for a prize and it told you no, you failed, do you want to know why, because you love nothing, no one'.

'Tears'  'There not for him'.

'Perfectly balanced as all things should be'.

'Tell me his name again'  'Thanos, He's a plague  he invades planets, he takes what he wants, he wipes out half the population, the attack on New York that's him'.

'Asswhole Tell me you didn't do it!'.

'I hope they remember you'.

'I went forward in time, to see all the possible outcomes'.

'How many did you see'.

'Fourteen million six hundred a five'.

'Today we don't fight for one live, we fight for all of them'.

'Not bad for the end of the world'.

'Y'bambe, Y'bambe'.

'I just feel you'.

'Brother, I assure you, the sun will shine on us again'.


'No resurrections this time'.

'And what if your wrong'  'If I'm wrong then, What more can I lose'.

''You promised, I love you more than anything'.

'We are out of time'  'I can't'.

'It's alright, you can live on without me'.

'Did you do it'.


'What did it cost'.


'I, I don't know what's happening, save me, save me, I don't want to go, Stark please, I don't wanna go'.

And that's when I thought, the person I've been living with for the past fourteen years would do this. The truth is I knew his plan all along and I couldn't stop him no one could, until I found out I was the only one that could stop him. But it was too late, he had done it, and what did it cost him, well, everything. I felt useless knowing that I couldn't stopped him and I didn't, you know why, because I was scared. No hero should be scared and I was. He killed so many including my brother Loki who I haven't seen since I was five, right before Thanos took me from Asgard. I looked at him as a father for the last 14 years, until my sister Gamora saved me from him but she was already too late for that. Thanos had done something to me that no their being was able to do, he had given me all the powers of the six infinity stones making me the only to stop anyone will all six stones. He had done that on purpose just so I could try and defeat him one day or at least try too.
After that day Gamora found that out, she took me back to Asgard with her friends as fast as she could to try and save me but again she was too late. Odin sent me down to earth, saying I was too dangerous to stay on Asgard, so he left me alone on earth where I would have to survive on my own. And all these years I had blamed my real dad for sending me down, when it was actually my step fathers fault 'Thanos'. He threatened all of Asgard that if stayed there he would kill everyone including the planet, so for my wellbeing and Asgard's Odin with the agreements from Frigga, Loki, Thor and Hemidall I was sent down to earth for the rest of my life.

This war between us and him will not end well and we all know that, Stormi knew that Isla knew that Loki, Thor everyone knew it. And we were earths only defence against him. We had no choice. Even if it kills us. This was our job. Our duty. And we couldn't stand by while innocent will be lost. And I'm not letting him get away with it, he ruined my life, Gamora's, Nebulas, everyone's lives. He will not win under any circumstances, I will kill him with any chance that I get. Even if I get killed with him. I'm not letting him ruin anyone else's lives, he deserves what's coming to him. After what he did to Loki in New York I knew something was up with him, I knew he was using me as a weapon against the universe. I now I wanted to return the favour by destroying him once and for all. We all have to work together as one whole team to take this asswhole down. I will not stop until he's gone, if he wins then I don't know what I will do, that's if I'm still alive by then.

I really do love this I don't know, I'm a marvel fan gotta say that's for sure. Hope you like it so far the next chapter maybe intense. Stormi Odinson And Isla Odinson are both my younger siblings who are fanmade including my fanmade character Leah Odinson, I used the name Leah first in this story before the Hungers Games story, Tranformers, And Wonder Woman I just like the name is all. But thank you, sorry for any errors spelling mistakes and all that. Time to get on with Chapter 1...

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