Heading to Wakanda

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Wanda was sitting alone reading whilst drinking some warm tea, with Vision standing up near a window, but what startled her was Visions gasps of pain
"Vis? Is it the stone again" she placed her tea down carefully, getting up placing her long jumper over her to walk towards him.
"It's as if it's speaking to me" he said,
"What does it say".
"I don't... I don't know. Something... Tell me what you feel" he motioned for her to feel the stone, so she did.
"I just feel you" She cupped his face his her hands.
Later that night they had gone out for walk to get dinner...
"So there's a 10 AM to Glasgow to give us more time together before you went back" Wanda held his hand while walking along footpath in an abandoned street.
"What if I miss that train".
"There is an 11".
"What if I missed all the trains? What if this time, I didn't go back".
"You gave Stark your word".
"I'd rather give it to you".
"There are people who are expecting me too, you know. We both made promises".
"Not to each other".
"Wanda..." he now stood in front of her outside a news agency.
"Two years, we've stolen these moments, trying to see if this could work. And... I don't know. You know what, I'm just gonna speak for myself.
"I, I... I think... It works".
"It works. It works".
They both turned to see the news, Tony Stark missing aliens have once again attacked down town New York.
"What are they" She looked at the news.
"What the stone was warning me about. I have to go" he took steps backwards
"No. Vision. If that's true... Then maybe going isn't the best idea" She now had an American accent turning towards him.
But right when he was about to go something had come up behind stabbing right through the bottom side of stomach.
"VISION!" She covered her mouth.
She powered up with red hex flowing around her hands ready to hit Proxmia but was hit by a blast which sent her straight through a cafe window. She got up as fast she could after hearing the screams of Vision, so she sent red energy blasts at the enemies. Flying up into the air with Vision to get away, landing safely, she rolled to the ground, to stop Vision from hitting the floor, she used her red hex to float Vis next to her near a wall.
"The blade. It stopped me from phasing" he said in his robot form from being in a human form earlier.
"Is that even possible" she asked.
"It isn't supposed to be" he looked at what Wanda was doing which was trying to help the wound close.
Until Proxmia Midnight came with her brother to fight them again, Corvus Glaive was fighting Vision while Proxmia fought Wanda.
"Give up the stones and she lives" Corvus told Vision.
Wanda once again heard the agonising screams of pain from Vision who was fighting on rooftop, so he spun around throwing Proxmia into a burning truck which then exploded. She flew up on the rooftop.
"Get off" she threw a red ball of energy at Corvus who fell down the bell tower.
They both left off but we're set off course by some energy that hit them from behind, sending them both crashing down into the train station.
"Come on. You gotta get up. You gotta get up. Come on. We have to go" Vision was leaning against the fence.
"Please leave".
"You asked me to stay. I'm staying" Wanda grinned not know she was bleeding from the cut Proxmia had caused.
Corvus came with his sister ready for another fight, so Wanda got up showing two hands full of energy. A train now passing by, Proxmia looked behind Wanda to see someone making Wanda look too. And there he appeared, after two whole years of hiding, Captain America appeared. Proxmia then threw her spear at him which he caught easily. Wanda sighed with relief. Falcon then came swooping above knocking down them both, leading with Natasha to fight them off.
"Get up" Wanda kneeled down to Vision hight.
"I can't".
"We don't wanna kill you. But we will" Black Widow threatened.
"You'll never get the chance again" Proxmia was lifted away with Corvus.
"Can you stand" Wanda helped Vision up from the ground.
"Thank you, Captain" Vision nodded.
"Let's get you on the jet".
"I thought we had a deal. Stay close, check in. Don't take any chances" Nat walked over to the front of the jet.
"I'm sorry. We just wanted time" Wanda was sorry,
"Where to, Cap".
"Home" He answered.
"We'll be safe".

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