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Taehyung P.O.V

I woke up and opened my eyes. a lighting flashed in my eyes causing my eyes to blur. All I saw was a tall figure in black walking back and forth.  " what shall I do with him ! " he kept groaning. My eyes finally adjust to the lighting.

I was tied up, My hands and legs and 2 men beside me stood. My mouth was shut as well by a cloth. The man I saw early.. the leader had a gun in his hands. He saw my eyes open so he walked toward me aggressively.

" you are in a big trouble you fucking shit, " he said near my face then pushing my face to the side by his gun. He walked far from me to the wall in front of me. And hit it by his hand hard that I heard the walls creaking. Once again he came near me and pulled me by my collar shirt and had the gun to my throat.

" UGH you piece of shit ! " he said, I was shaking, Sweating, he was cursing and yelling... I know I shouldn't have gone there. I knew it very well. I heard a gunshot I should have run away not to it. He then walked away

He had his head resting on the wall "I don't know what to do ... WHAT THE FUCK SHOULD I DO ! " he kept yelling as I was so scared to even look

" oh I know. I know " he said calmly and I raised my head then he had his gun in front of me ready to shoot. He aimed his gun.  " 3... 2..." I heard him counting. My heart was nearly gonna stop. I didn't need that gun to die. I am died by him just counting

"Sir, don't you think you can use him in anything " I heard the guy next to my right saying. he seems to be the tallest here, could be 183 cm or something. He had an undercut hairstyle just like jimin. I held tears from running down my cheeks but i failed to hide them . I don't wanna die.

He then looked at me with a serious face that scared me as well ... he could be thinking how pathetic I look.

" he ruined everything ! " the leader yelled

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" he ruined everything ! " the leader yelled . "sir, he still didn't .. if you kept him with you he actually won't. Make him your toy, or something . " the guy said. Then slowly the leader dropped the gun.

He came to me step by step nearing me . " whats your name " he asked me while removing the cloth of my mouth.. " tae-tae Hyun- "I was cut by him " taetae ... that's what I will call you . " he said. I don't wanna be here I wanna go home. I start crying hard.

" namjoon send him to my room " he ordered and the guy on my right nodded. He removed the leg cuffs and took me to a large room.

 He removed the leg cuffs and took me to a large room

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And placed me on the chair. I didn't stop crying. The guy I assumed named namjoon. Looked at me and signed . " stop crying please " he requested. " I wanna go home " I cried . " you have got yourself in much trouble, " he said as he shook his head . " please try to obey his rules, " he told me as he left looking to the ground.

Soon the leader came to me. I was too scared I didn't even dare to breath loud. Tears were all over my face . " why are you crying ? " he said as he placed his hand on my cheek.

I pushed it away and screamed " I WANNA GO HOM- "I felt a burn on my face. He slapped me hard that I nearly felt blood coming from how hot and red my cheek was.

He held my chin and faced me . With a calm facial expression he said " you are now my puppy and I am your master, understood ? " he said. I kept silent for a bit looking at his eyes. " UNDERSTOOD ! " he yelled and I nodded harshly scared to get hit again. 

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