🔻Miss You🔻

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Disclaimer: I do not own South Park
Title: Miss you
Words: 3068
Even though it was dark, he could still make out his surroundings with incredible accuracy. Obviously it was somewhere outside, considering the soft rays of silver from the incredibly thin crescent moon overhead. Thick trees with gnarled branches and gray leaves lined the wide, muddy path he stood on. The place wasn't familiar, and he was even unsure how he got there. All he knew was that he didn't like it. It held a sort of eeriness to it that made him shiver and pull his jacket closer around him.

In the distance he could faintly see the silhouette of a familiar figure. It didn't move, but he could sense it watching him. Watching, and waiting.

"Stan?" Nervousness tinged the name he called out.

With one blink the figure moved, and now stood directly in front of him. He jerked back violently at the unexpected and surreal movement, falling back into the mud with a soft splash that made the shadow smile. He peered up at it frightfully, but immediately heaved a sigh of relief. He would recognize that smile anywhere. Hell, he would recognize his best friends hand if it were detached and set in a case with others.

"Holy shit, Dude!" His heart hammered wildly in his ears. "What the hell was that?"

The addressed boy didn't speak, but his smile faded quickly. He clutched his stomach and squeezed his eyes closed as if he were in pain.

"Are you okay?" Concern rung Kyle's voice. He stood, paying no mind to the mud that now dripped from him.

Stan's blue eyes opened hesitantly, revealing a gush of tears that spilled down his cheeks like glistening waterfalls. As if an invisible gust of wind shot out, he was blown, or maybe even sucked backward and into the air. Kyle grabbed his hand and held tight, shaking so badly he felt sick as the terrified scream pierced his friends throat. His heels left skids in the mud as the force became so powerful it began dragging him slowly along.

"Let him go, Kyle." A familiar voice rung out and echoed through the trees.

"No!" Kyle yelled back. He squeezed his grip tighter, not even caring the pressure was probably extremely painful on Stan's sensitive fingertips. Despite his attempt, his hold slid further and further down Stan's hand and fingers until he finally broke loose.

"Stan!" Kyle's blood curdling shriek escaped without permission as he was forced to watch his companion disappear into the darkness with a softly fading cry of terror. He fell to his knees, sobbing into his green mittens hysterically. The emotions caught painfully in his throat when he was yanked to his feet by the front of his shirt. He was acutely aware of the way his stray tears immediately froze on his cheeks and eyelashes when he met the blank gaze of Eric Cartman.

"I hate to tell you this, Kyle," He spoke in his calm, business-like tone. Slight misery crossed his usually angry face as he looked up and to the left in thoughtfulness. "Stan is going to die."

Kyle's chest tightened, and he ripped Eric's hand off his shirt. "No he isn't!"

The rounder boy closed his eyes, losing himself in thoughts. "He's gone."

"Shut the fuck up!" Tears of anger burned Kyle's cheeks. "Why are you doing this!"

"I know." Eric answered with a smirk.

"You know what?"

Eric's head cocked slightly to the side and his grin widened. "The best way to hurt you, is to hurt Stan."

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