Part 1: Flowers aren't as pretty

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Nozaki was restless. Mikoshiba was unavailable for the weekend, so he was a little behind on accents. He ran his hands through his hair and sighed.

"Sakuraaaaa..." he groaned.

"I'm not wearing that stupid sailor outfit, Nozaki-kun"

Nozaki frowned. Mikoshiba would usually come up with a plot. Hori and Sakura had good head plots, but since Mikoshiba himself was Mamiko.

"Maybe I could ask Kashima for some ideas. I can just say it's for a play I'm writing" Hori suggested. He didn't know Mikoshiba was in charge of the accents and flowers, he just thought Nozaki's mood was caused by the lack of the redhaired's antics.

"That sounds great. She seemed kinda depressed the other days, though. Whenever I asked her, she would just sigh" Sakura informed sadly, "did you two have a fight?"

Hori shook his head. "Well, we're always fighting. But a very bad argument? No", he said and looked up to the ceiling. "I think she said something about Mikoshiba acting strange before leaving for the weekend..."

"MIKOSHIBAAA" Nozaki sobbed, which irritated Hori and Sakura.

"It's okay, senpai. We'll come up with ideas for Mamiko" Wakamatsu said. "Let's see..."

A chime beep was heard.

Panic was brought to Wakamatsu's face even before he checked his phone. He was already getting dizzy.

"Not now" he softly whined. He opened his phone.

[From: Seo-senpai]
Yo, Waka. Bring me spicy ramen from Akai's. Hurry up

Wakamatsu sighed. "That's my cue. I wouldn't want her showing up here out of nowhere"

The idea haunted Nozaki to no end.

"Oh, why can't I meet Lorelei already? She'd save me from this eternal nightmare" Wakamatsu daydreamt.

Sakura, Nozaki and Hori had a deadpanned look on their faces.

"Yeah, I uh, wonder why" Sakura really wanted to tell him. Nozaki always kept her from doing so.

"Okay, fine. You can leave" Nozaki groaned. Now he had one person less to help him. The deadline was next Friday, but he was sure he'd manage.

Before Wakamatsu headed out the door, Nozaki stopped him.

"Wakamatsu, before you leave... how would you feel putting on a bra?" Nozaki bluntly asked, earning mouth-agape, weirded out Wakamatsu, Hori and Sakura. This guy was really running out of ideas.



Mikoshiba and his parents had just gotten home from Hokkaido. He went to visit his family for his grandma's birthday. It was a long trip, but it finally ended.

It was already past midnight and Mikoshiba really wanted some sleep. Setting his things aside, he remembered the souvenir he got for Mayu, Nozaki Umetarou's younger brother. It was an action figure of a bear wearing a judogi while doing a kuzure kesa gatame, a judo technique, to another petrified bear. Mayu was not really a figurine collector, but he knew that he'd love anything that involved judo.

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