Part 4: Something's fishy

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It had been two weeks since the waterpark trip. The gang was back to school.

Class? What class? Mikoshiba somehow managed to master the art of hiding his phone from the teacher.

Kashima was worried. Since she sat beside him, she noticed his peculiar behavior ever since he started texting that Mayumayu a few months ago.

Her best friend wouldn't give her details about her. She only knew that Mayumayu was a middle school student and that was about it. Something about this whole situation made her feel like there was something off.

"Code red" Kashima whispered, looking away from Mikorin to play it off.

The teacher walked past them, it was his way of giving the class. He liked walking around, making sure to get every student's attention.

Luckily, Mikoshiba hid his phone on time. He thanked Kashima so much for it. When the teacher was out of sight, Mikoshiba pulled out his phone again and began texting.

[From: Mayumayu]
Won't u get in trouble?

[To: Mayumayu]
Dw bout it. Talking to you makes me at ease.

Distracts me from this boring history class >.<

[From: Mayumayu]
There's somethng i wanna tell u
I dont think ull like it

On the other side of the line, Mayu was sitting on a bench in the dojo. He sighed. No, he couldn't tell him through text. Not only was the conversation going well, but wouldn't that be a cruel revelation?

If he told him, would Mikoshiba hate him? Even if he said otherwise, he seemed kinda mad that day at the hotel. It's been weeks and they haven't really seen each other.

He was very sure Mikoshiba had a thing for Mayumayu, for the fact that he thought he was a girl. He would be so disappointed.

Why couldn't Mikoshiba look at him? It was selfish to think about it, but it was gonna hurt a lot in the end for both of them, wasn't it?

Gosh, texting was so exhausting. Sometimes he'd be glad when the phone ran out of battery so he would be forced to rest. He had to give 'Mamiko' some credit. Thanks to 'her', his motivation evolved.

Kobayashi sat next to him, drinking water.

"Oh, you still talk to that Mamiko chick? Funny 'cause even if you're sketching longer messages and are always on the phone now, you won't answer any other texts" he said.

Mayu looked at him as if to ask 'just who else is texting me again?'

"Well, me for example. I asked for you to bring back my backpack..." Kobayashi answered.

"I left it underneath your desk" Mayu replied.

"Yeah, lucky shot" Kobayashi said sarcastically.

"Do you know how hard it was for me to go downstairs, find your elective's classroom since it's the last one, and go upstairs again?" Mayu asked with a deadly look.

"Geez, give me a break. You're only lazy when you want to" Kobayashi nagged. "Oh, and there's also Yuko-chan. Real cutie. Word has spread that she texted you asking about a math excercise only you got correctly. You wouldn't answer so she was anxious all afternoon" he added.

"She could've asked me earlier"

"You were sleeping the whole day yesterday! Besides, I think she's just looking for an excuse to talk to you" he teased.

So, this is how it's like (Mayumiko)Where stories live. Discover now