Teen Mom, Well Kind Of

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Teen Mom, Well Kind Of ~ Prologue

2 months ago I was just a normal happy teenager, loving mom, no siblings and a dad I hardly ever saw. That was my life.

Until one day when my mom announced she was pregnant, I was happy for her of course and I was very happy to be finally getting a brother or sister.

I loved kids and I volunteered once a month at a nursery looking after the little ones, that job was amazing it didn’t pay at all I was offered money every week by the owner, Rachel, but I would never take it, I just did it for the fun of it.

I’m now glad I did because now I have experience, which I need to look after a baby.

This is vital now as that is what I’ve been doing for the last two months. Looking after my sister.

You may be wondering why my mum doesn’t do anything at all, it’s because she died. She died the day my sister was born, from an unknown heart condition that strain of child birth caused to make her heart stop beating.

The day when I got the phone call in the middle of a maths lesson was possibly the worst day of my life; it was the hospital staff telling me that my mother didn’t make it after child birth. I could hardly drive to the hospital to pick up my new born sister, as I was so upset. I remember seeing my sister for the first time and thinking she was the most beautiful thing on the planet with her large green eyes, just like mine and my moms. She had a few tufts of brown hair on her head unlike my blonde hair.

When I saw my mum lying there on the hospital bed life no longer running through her it was heart breaking that my sister would never know her mom like I had. My dad wanted nothing to do with the ‘murderer’ as he called her so I chose the name Talia Avery Davidson. Avery was my mom’s name. I thought it was quite fitting as I got my grandmas name as my middle name so I am Alexia Estelle Davidson, I think I’m quite glad her name wasn’t something really unfortunate.

I had sat down next to my mom’s body and I took her stone cold hand in mine and I promised her that from that day one I would protect my sister with my life.

I will keep that promise as long as I live.

The second worst day of my life was the funeral. All the looks of pity and people saying “I’m sorry” I just wanted to shout at them why are you sorry it wasn’t your fault.

Instead of looking at the people I busied myself looking at Talia It wasn’t fair on her she was only a week old and she was attending a funeral. A few people had wanted to hold her but I wouldn’t let her go, she was like my life source now.

My dad, he’s another story, he hated her. Wouldn’t touch her if his life depended on it and he spends most of his time away looking after his business. When mom was alive it was different, he would still have to go away but the maximum he said was a week. Now he just sends money every month and pays the bills.

I don’t really know why he doesn’t like her but I think Talia reminds him of mom and he sees her as a murderer.

A.N ~ I started re-writing this story as the first on I did wasn’t the best hope you lke it as much and I will try and update more.

Love Ellen xxxxxx

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