Teen Mom, Well Kind Of ~ Chapter 1

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Teen Mom, Well Kind Of ~ Chapter 1

Woken up at 4 in the morning is not my idea of a great morning. I was still up at midnight doing an English essay, so my sleep amounts to an amazing 4 hours. Whoop-de-do. Note the sarcasm

I suppose I should go to bed earlier and I do most nights it’s just sometimes it’s impossible with Talia.

I rolled out of my nice, warm, cosy bed and stumbled my way to Talia’s nursery. I was now wide awake, that tends to happen after hearing a baby screaming for a couple of minutes. “Hey baby, what’s the matter?” I rocked her back and forth as I went downstairs to get her bottle. “Shh baby   girl” I said gently.

BEEEEP. The bottles done. I skipped, well as well as you can skip at 4 in the morning with a baby in your arms. As soon as she had the bottle in her mouth she stopped crying, that could be considered a minor miracle as she usually doesn’t.

I looked at the clock 10 past 4 it read. I sighed, I was wide awake now and I wasn’t going back to sleep, may as well go for an early morning jog.

I walked up the stairs to my room, set Talia on the bed and got out my clothes. There was no point in me having a shower as I would just be all sweaty when I got back anyway. I put on my sweatpants and my tank top, threw my hair up in a ponytail and grabbed Talia.

I changed Talia’s diaper and put her in some suitable clothes for the early morning. We always did this if she woke up before 5 I would put her in her buggy and go for a jog.

I maneuvered her buggy down the steps in front of our house. I really hated those steps when I was 7 I fell down them and broke my arm.

The early morning cold nipped at the bare skin on my arms as I pushed the buggy along the sidewalk.

“I think we’ll go to the park today, what do you think baby” I said to Talia in the silent streets.

She replied with a gurgle.

“I’ll take that as a yes then” There was never anyone in the park at this time in the morning, most sane people were still sleeping.

I could hear the birds tweeting, Talia’s pram running on the sidewalk and the noise of my converse hitting the floor, they were the only noises this morning.

I turned down the road I knew so well one of the reasons I take Talia to the park is its where my mom used to take me when I was little. I feel close to her there.

I decided to have a sprint to the bench next to the swing set, I could feel the wind on my face as I ran to the swings.

I skidded on to the bench and caught the pram before it went flying off I knew I was grinning like an idiot but who was here to see me? I closed my eyes so I could get my breath back. As I opened them, I saw a boy about my age sitting on the swings staring at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2012 ⏰

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