Chapter 10

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Fox darted through the undergrowth scents of prey swarming around her like a bee. She couldn't stop herself from thinking about Littlepaw, she couldn't believe that she had just dreamed of him! She just hoped they would meet again. Follow the fire that will light up your life... Her mother's words echoed in her mind. Could the fire possibly mean Littlepaw? That couldn't be true. They had just met and surely she would know by now if it was him? She gazed upon the blue stream as sunlight reflected on its surface. Your love may flow like a stream, but beware as even the smallest truth can put it out. Fox looked around as she heard her mothers voice ring in her head.

" Cloud? What do you mean?!" Fox spun around in confusion, wishing she could smell her mother's sweet scent again. There was no reply but Fox spun around as she heard footsteps rapidly pounding the earth.

" Intruder!" A voice yowled and Fox spotted two brown she-cats and a tom with three younger cats rushing behind them. Fox felt the urge to run but perhaps she could get out of this without running. She shivered at the hostility and hatred in the cat's eyes, it wasn't like she had killed a cat they knew!

" Should we attack her, Leafstorm?"  a young yellow and white she-cat sneered. Fox took a step back, at this rate she might have to run.

" Silence Mothpaw! We need to be sure what the loner is doing on our territory." the brown growled. Fox twitched her ears, what did he mean by loner? Fox met the cats gaze steadily.

" Well then, why are you here?" Leafstorm asked. Fox swayed her tail through the cool, thick breeze, why did they need to know?

" I'm just going for a stroll, my den is more upstream in a bush, I don't hunt here if that's why you're bothered." Fox meowed, trying to avoid their hostile glares. The grey and black toms eyes widened in panic.

" You mean upstream, where the fox's nest is?" The black tom shrieked. Fox shook her head, how many cats thought she was a fox?

" In case you didn't know, there is a fox that lives upstream this river. It lives under a holly bush." Leafstorm explained. Fox could only just stop herself from laughing, but she twitched her whiskers in amusement.

" I think you'll find that the 'fox' is me, my mother named me Fox after my fox-like colored pelt." Fox meowed. Laughter and satisfaction spread through her as she saw the cats share surprised glances. Fox turned her head as she felt a nose near her fur.

" You really do look like a fox and smell of one!" Mothpaw exclaimed. Fox jumped back, how had she not seen Mothpaw come up to her? 

" Mothpaw! You shouldn't say that!" a brown she-cat hissed. Mothpaw flattered her ears and shot Fox an apologetic look. Fox twitched her whiskers in amusement.

"It's alright, I found a fox nest and rolled in it to smell of fox, it scares cats away." she meowed to the cats. They dipped their heads in understanding and Leafstorm stared into Fox's eyes.

"Thanks for telling us! We might try out your technique too. See you around!" Leafstorm dismissively meowed and beckoned the other cats to follow her. Fox watched as they disappeared under a hole. Fox turned around and sprinted to her nest, she had buried a vole there earlier and felt her stomach growl in hunger.

As Fox prowled to her den she couldn't help put scent something else. It smelt of her, but sharper. She narrowed her eyes and peeked into her den, her heart leaped as she saw ginger fur. Fox! There was a fox in her den! Had the cats she had seen been telling the truth? By the smell of the fox, it was quite young, Fox questioned if she could take it on by herself. Her heart froze as her paw hit a twig making a loud crack echo through the land. She heard a yowl and spun around, she was greeted by amber eyes shining with hatred. The fox's jaws snapped and Fox pulled away just in time to miss its yellow teeth. Without waiting to see the fox's next move, she darted away hearing its paw steps follow her. She headed into the forest, hoping to lose the fox in the trees. She leaped over roots and stones and looked above her shoulder. The fox was gaining on her! Pain spread through her as she tripped over a root and she fell to the soft ground. She yowled in horror as the fox bit down into her shoulder. She helplessly flapped her body about, trying to wriggle her foe off. The weight was suddenly off her as grey fur flashed in her vision. 

" Run!" The voice yowled to her. She spun around and saw a muscular grey tom battling the fox. He swiped at it with powerful blows and dodged many of the fox's attacks. She stared in horror as the fox hit him to the ground and bit deeply into his throat. His body went limp and she saw his eyes roll to the back of his head. He was dead! Fox ran away, shame clinging through her fur, she should have helped him! Now she would always live with the shame of his death.

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