Chapter 4

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Over the next week, Wolf showed Tern around the Moon Kingdom. Many of the dragons had grown accustomed to the IceWing's presence but some were still skeptical about the reason why he was there. Wolf had given him one of the MoonWing's many deserts, calling ice cream and it became Tern's favorite meal. Sometimes Whisper would show up and the three would hang out together.  On the final day of the week, one of the Queen's messengers came to them.

"Queen Aeon requests that you report to the castle immediately", they said. Wolf and Tern followed the messenger to the throne room, where Queen Aeon was waiting.

"I called you both here to tell you that unfortunately, the other queens couldn't come, something had come up in their kingdoms and they plan to send their dragons to the War Kingdom", she informed.

"So you two will head to the Ghost Kingdom, meet up with Whisper and their dragon, and head to the War Kingdom from there, you have until sunrise to pack up", she added. The two nodded and Tern left to go to his room, leaving Wolf to return home and gather her things. The young MoonWing hurried down the street to one of the residential parts of the canyon. She unfurled her wings and hopped into the air, entering one of the tunnels that led to one of the massive, circular hollows some MoonWing homes had been built in. There was still space for the white stone buildings. She ran down to one of the homes and knocked on the door. Another Moonwing opened the door, her mother.

"Hello dear, dinner is ready!", she said to her daughter.

"Hey mom, that's great!", Wolf replied.

The older MoonWing set three bowls of soup with chunks of bear meat in it and slices of vegetables on the dinner table, only two of them would be cleared. Wolf's father was one an expedition to another planet, so her mother had been leaving his food out as a prayer that he would return home safely. The moment where the MoonWing had to tell her mother was approaching. Halfway finished with her soup, Wolf spoke up.

"Mom, the Queen sent me on a mission to a distant land, I may not be back for a while", she explained. Her mother paused, her spoon halfway to her mouth, and wore a sympathetic look on her face.

"Well, be careful my dear, your father's going to be surprised when he comes back", she said with a smile.

"I'll help you pack after dinner", she added. After dinner, Wolf had her mother grabbed a few pouches and a backpack before stuffing them with supplies. Wolf slipped a small a compass and a map of the stars. With one last goodbye and a hug, Wolf departed from her home and spread her wings, flying towards the palace as the moons hung low in the sky.

Tern and Wolf met up at front of the Moon Palace, the IceWing holding a scythe. He passed it to Wolf, who was trained to use the signature weapon of the MoonWings. The sickle was a pale gold, like one of the moons, and shaped like a crescent moon. The long shaft was opalescent and had a cushioned handle. Tern wore a few small pouches around his neck along with a bag filled with food and a canteen with water.

"Are you ready?", she asked him. The IceWing nodded and the two furled their wings and took to the sky.

"Hold onto my neck and don't let go", she ordered him. Tern looked confused but obeyed. Wolf's mane and feathers glowed and the two dragons back a crimson/white streak as they shot off into the sky.

Tern was oddly silent on their journey to the Ghost Kingdom while in hyperflight. Wolf didn't care though, she enjoyed flying at the speed of sound (She could go faster, but Wolf was sure Tern wouldn't be able to handle it). The ground sped by and in a matter minutes, they were at the kingdom. Outside of the mountain, was Whisper and a dragon with sandy yellow scales. Wolf and Tern landed in front of them and she got a good look at the stranger. It had a barbed tail like a scorpion and a gold ridge. It also had coal black eyes. Like Wolf and Tern, both dragonets were also covered in pouches.

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