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H :(

Hayden: Annie!!
Hayden: I need you..
Hayden:  I want there to be an US
Annie: Listen up Hayden. I have a boyfriend. I've moved on, you should too..
Hayden: who are you dating? I bet he doesn't love you as much as I did!
Annie: it's not your business. You say you "love" me, yet you broke my heart. I'm sorry Hayden we ended a long time ago..
Hayden: I see. Alright Annie, hope you have a nice life ;)
Read 10:06 am

Later that day:


897,547 likes@celebritytea Attention all Annie Leblanc and Finn Wolfhard fans!! A little bird told us that these two are DATING !! They have been posting pictures that are kind of suspicious about how close they really are

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@celebritytea Attention all Annie Leblanc and Finn Wolfhard fans!! A little bird told us that these two are DATING !! They have been posting pictures that are kind of suspicious about how close they really are. Comment down below what you think.  Ship name: #FINNIE ?

@annielelbanc awww I ship!!

@fanpagenot ew Finn is mine <3 this little girl got to go!!

@lilypatute aww ❤

@haydensummerall @annieleblanc @finnwolfhardofficial
    >@ilovedrama TEA
    >@anniestan THEORY: Hayden still likes Annie, but she told him about Finn. He got mad so he told them
    >@annieleblanc feel like a man now that you did this?
    >@anniestan sjdhiah she confirmed and snapped !!

@finnwolfhardofficial Crazy how people now a days do anything to get attention.
    >@haydensummerall how about you tag me next time?

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Finny ♡

Annie: Finn! I'm so sorry about this, Hayden's my ex. A jealous one too. Again I'm sorry, I'll work this out.
Finn: It's fine Annie, he's stupid to have let you go. This wasn't the way I wanted to let people know we were dating but it's totally fine ❤
Annie: aww Finn, you're so sweet. You're the best !

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