Chapter 21

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I don't own anything

The first sniper on the watchtower was shot cleanly through the head. Then right as the other one noticed he too was shot through the head.

Cass then made her way inside the building as frank finished off the guards in the court yard. While frank had finished killing the last of the guards. Me made his way towards the hangar as he looked around seeing multiple disassembled planes and jets.

Frank then continued to look around seeing nothing but junk till he saw something intriguing. It was the symbol of queen bee and it was painted on all the guns given to the shadows.

Frank: Looks like bee and ra's are in this together.

But before frank could investigate further a claw grabbed onto his leg causing him to be pulled back towards the entrance of the hangar. Frank is then kicked in the face as the claw has him hang upside down.

Frank then saw deathstroke sword in hand. Frank smacks the sword out of his hand and takes it cutting off the cable attaching his leg to the roof.

Frank then lands on the floor as deathstroke jumps into the area.

Deathstroke: Looks like the game is over before it has even begun.

Frank: I'm not playing games slade.

Deathstroke: Ha, you definitely are his son.

Frank: So you know my father?

Deathstroke: Yes, everybody knows about the great Batman and his devil of a son.

Frank then fires a few rounds out of his pistol as slade dodges them. Slade gets out staff and tries to hit frank but frank just grabs the front end of it and uses it to throw slade into the ground.

Slade gets up and tries to hit frank with a combo but frank blocks each attack and then grabs the staff and pulls slade towards him and knees him in the face.

Slade grunts in anger grabbing a knife he stabs frank in the hip. Frank grabs spades hand that's stabbing him and pulls him towards himself and elbows slade in the face.

Slade then kicks franks legs from underneath him and tries to ram him with the spear. However frank rolls away and then grabs the knife out of his hip he throws it at slade. Slade blocks it with his staff but frank kicks him in the stomach. He then takes slade a staff from him and breaks it in two.

Slade again grunts in anger as he grabs his sword from his back. He charges at frank with the sword as frank dodged him the best he can. Slade cuts his chest and then stabs frank through his arm.

Frank yells in pain and headbutts slade. Frank then pulls the sword out of his arm as slade gets his pistols and begins firing at frank. Frank using the sword is able to cut through the bullets and throws the sword cutting the gun in half.

Slade then tackles frank to the ground punching him in he face multiple times. Frank then takes the pins out of slades Grenades causing slade then throws his belt out of the way causing it to hit the oil cans in the hanger.

A large explosion goes off in the hangar as frank kicks slade off of him

Frank: Say hi to bane for me!

Frank then throws slade into the rest of the oil drums and the explosion consumes slade. Frank tries to radio in Cass through his earpiece as he tries to make his escape but the he only finds silence.

Frank then jumps off the cliff as the hangar explodes behind him. Frank lands in the water and tries swimming and eventually makes it to the shallow end of the lake before pacing out from blood loss.

As he falls unconscious a small child notices the him the the river and yells to his mother.

Kid: Mommy!!! I think we have company!!!

Woman: What is it gar- oh m god.

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