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Ymir had passed out on the stretcher, sound asleep. Historia sat by her, stroking her hair. It had been like this for hours on top of the wall. "Alright, let's go!" Hanji ordered. All the cadets got up and began to head back to HQ. Historia glanced behind her and saw that Reiner, Bertholdt, and Eren were immobile. The whole squad stopped and looked backed. She stood in shock as Reiner pulled the sling off his arm as the wound began to regenerate. All she could hear him say was, "WARRIOR." She gasped as Mikasa drew her blades and cut them both, tears streaming down her face. She fell to the ground, covering her mouth with her hand as she realized what this meant. "No.." Then there was an explosion, she was pushed back by the impact of air and barely caught her footing as debris flew past her face. Then she saw it, the Colossal and the Armored Titans, emerging from the steam.. She gasped in horror as the Colossal, no, Bertholdt, grabbed Ymir, still out cold. "YMIR!" She screamed trying to run towards her but the steam the Colossal Titan had emmited was too hot for her to get close to.  The armored grabbed Eren and slid down the wall, it's solid foot making a grating sound. She covered her ears. Then came another explosion. But this time it was Eren. His Titan emerged from where the Colossal had his body. She stood in horror as they fought, Eren getting slammed to the ground. There was nothing she could do. The battle slipped away as she was drawn into her mind. She fell to the ground and put her hands on her head, curling up into a fetal position and began to weep. "Reiner, Bertholdt, why?" She thought to herself, tears making wet stains on the wall. "I don't understand. Why would they do this?" A million thoughts were swarming in her head as she heard the roaring of Eren's Titan. She wasn't sure how long she stayed like this, but when she lifted her head up she saw the Armored running away with Ymir. "YMIR!!!" She screamed into the twilight. "THEY'VE GOT EREN!" She heard Armin scream in horror. She looked around and gasped, just now noticing the carnage. Many injured soldiers were brought it, scorched, bleeding. She noticed Section Commander Hanji fatally injured. "We have to get Ymir!" She screamed. It was another 6 hours before they did anything. She sat on the ground crying for those 6 long hours. Finally Captain Levi ordered the soldiers to get their horses. They headed out in the direction the Armored has took Eren and Ymir. "Hang on a little longer, I'm coming Ymir!"

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