Part 30

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Harry’s POV

Everything around me was darkness.

My vision blurred dangerously as I flew along the motorway, the engine drowning out the sound of my heartbeat hammering in my ears.  The car was roaring, the hand on my dashboard pushing 90 miles an hour.  Knuckles white as I gripped the steering wheel for my life.  If I didn’t hold onto something the whole world would crumble.

It went through to the messaging service again.  Again and again and again.  I glanced hopelessly, painfully down at my phone sitting on the console, my eyes flooding as her voice chimed happily through the speaker.

Leave a message after the beep!

“Tamara,” I gasped weakly into the empty air.  She wasn’t here.  My swimming mind failed to comprehend what all of that meant.  I sobbed loudly and knew she would hear it on the other end.  “Tam, babe, pick up the phone.  Please, I’m begging you.  I’m on my way home -”

As the words left my lips headlights flooded my windscreen and my distracted mind froze in terror.  I put my full force into heaving the steering wheel round, swerving with a squeal of my breaks on the turn in to Kingston.  The wheels skidded, the car spinning and my wavering dangerously on the ice, heart pounding in my chest.

The other car honked lividly at my careless driving as I pulled to a shuddering stop just metres from a brick wall.  I blinked madly, chest rising and falling with adrenaline.  I was shaking.

“…to leave another message, press one….”

I gulped shakily.  The other car had pulled past edgily, but I stayed stock still, my Range Rover twisted awkwardly on the road.  My eyes fell down shakily to the clock flashing in the dashboard.  12:03.  It was Christmas Day.

And I was completely alone.

Short chapter,  only 2 chapters left.

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