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| R O N A |

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| R O N A |


Rona has just finished her first class of the semester, and she already hates it. A boy in her class is always tapping his pen, a girl is always complimenting the somewhat young prof, the prof doesn't even teach, and someone keeps kicking Rona's seat.

Rona cracks her neck as she steps out of the large building, onto the university's campus. With a sigh, Rona decides to make her way to the campus library to re-learn her lesson.


"What the fuck, the prof didn't teach me shit." Rona says as she drops her paper down onto the large table.

Rona's supplies and textbooks are surrounded around the table in an unorganized fashion. Rona ended up learning the whole chapter on her own, since the teacher decided it would be fun to flirt with a few students instead of teaching.

"I pay money to go to school, but they don't even teach me." Rona sighs.

Checking the time on her laptop, Rona sees that she's got about and hour and a half till she needs to get to her next class, so she decides to scroll through her camera roll.

While looking back to her old memories, she runs into photos of her and her family on Christmas, her friends having a sleepover, and then she hits the Nico album.

Rona made a special photo album on her phone just for the tons of photos she's got of Nico and herself.

Scrolling through the good times and the bad times Rona caught on camera, she decided to write the second letter of the day.


Dear Nico,

Remember the day my parents were getting a divorce? Because I remember that day so vividly. I was in my room, home alone, when I heard the front door slam open then close.

My parent's voices were booming as they argued about something. I think it was about the car, wait maybe it was the house, or I think it might have been the water bill... whatever, you get the point. But I was so scared, after all, I was only 14.

I started to ball my eyes out after I figured out they weren't gonna stop fighting. When I couldn't take it anymore, I grabbed a pink crayon and wrote a letter to my parents saying I'm at your place. I then placed the note on my bed and climbed out of my bedroom window, not caring about the rain.

I then ran all the way to your house in the pouring rain, which was a pretty far run now thinking about it. When I finally got to your place, you were already waiting on the front steps of your porch because my parents called you to tell you I'm coming over.

You were holding towels in your arms and you had a mug of hot chocolate ready for my freezing hands. You didn't even ask me if I was alright, because you already knew the answer, so you just wrapped me in blankets and held me close.

I ended up spending the night at your place. The night was filled with mugs of hot chocolate, funny movies, video games, junk food, and last but not least, cuddling. You might not have thought much of it, but that night meant everything to me.

We ended up just talking as we cuddled on your couch. My face was buried onto your chest and your skinny arm was wrapped around my waist. We would talk about anything and everything till 3 am.

Nico, you were always there at the tough times. I think thats a reason why I fell for you. You were always there for me. You never needed to ask if I was okay or if I needed anything, because you already had the answer to all those questions. You cared for me as much as I cared for you. You showed me how any man should treat a woman, and I don't know if I could ever find someone who could treat me as well as you did.

Maybe one day, we'll be together. But for now, I'm still waiting on that text.

Oh, and by the way, i love you.


By The Way, i Love You. | Nico HischierWhere stories live. Discover now