#28 So many thoughts

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Hello again ^^ I forget to write the Author name in the last chapter so I will do it here. The most comments got 'Author Babe' so I guess I am Author Babe from now on...I still can't believe that you really chose this one XD. Anyways let's get into the Chapter because your Author Babe worked really hard on it 😏.

Y/N Pov:
"Good morning Y/N." He said with a happy voice.
"Good morning..." I realized just now that I don't even know his name yet.
"Oh yes I couldn't tell you the first time we meet. My name is Hyungwon." He said his name and smiled at me. I smiled back.
"Well I guess this is a new beginning then." I held my hand out and spoke.
"Hello Hyungwon, nice to meet you. I hope you will like it here and I hope nobody will pull me to the side while we are talking." I smiled at him and he laughed.

" I smiled at him and he laughed

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"Alright, thank you." And he shook my hand. He has large hands. Maybe Taehyungs size. Talking about Taehyung, I really schould find him. We need to talk. We REALLY need to talk.
"Let's go inside." Suddenly Hyungwon said and jerked his head to the door. I walked after him until we entered the building.
"What do you have next?" He asked and I looked at my timetable.
"Science." I said and pointed at the first lesson on my timetable.
"Oh great me too. We can walk together." He smiled happily and I nodded also smiling. We started walking to the classroom.
"So how do you like the school so far?" I asked. First he was thinking and then turned his head to me.
"Well it's not that bad. The food is good and the students are really nice but I can't say the same about the teachers." He spoke and I nodded. He was right. The food is really not that bad actually but the teachers...yeah they are teachers.
"Except for Mr. Park. He is really nice." He added and I almost fell on my face.
"Y-You have him?" I stuttered.
"Yeah in maths. I heard that he is also P.E. teacher. Sadly I have a really strict pig in P.E." He laughed and I faked a smile. God he just has to talk about this guy it already turns me on. Specially when it's about his P.E. classes. Just when I was finish thinking about him and looked up there he was walking directly in our direction.

I froze

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I froze. What does he want. Why is he coming to me at school. What if I say something stupid and Hyungwon somehow realizes what is going on. Just when I made myself ready not to say anything stupid he walked pass us. He completely ignored me. As if I were just a shadow. Well maybe because we are at school but it still hurts. We kept on walking to class with some small talks in between. Good thing he doesn't know me that well so he didn't realized that I was acting weird because I was.
"So what is with you and this guy?" Hyungwon asked. For a moment I was just staring confused at him but then I realized that he was looking at Taehyung. He was staring at me with an emotionless look on his face.

"It had to be really important last time because he pulled you over so fast that I couldn't even blink

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"It had to be really important last time because he pulled you over so fast that I couldn't even blink." He joked around.
"Yeah...just some personal stuff." I answered and walked to my seat. He was following me.
"Can it be that he is into you?" Suddenly he asked. My eyes widened and I turned back to him.
"Why would you think that??" I asked frustrated.
"You just have to look at him. He is so in love." Hyungwon laughed. Is everything so obvious. Can it be that everybody realized it only I was so blind.
"I don't think so. We are best friends." I lied. He really doesn't have to know anything about my problems with Taehyung or with anybody else. This anybody is Jimin. Nobody can know about anything.
"If you say so but believe me I know the look of boys and this is not just a normal look on his face." He added and then went to sit down himself. Now he really let me there with so many questions. This guy just mixed everything up in my head. The teacher came and I tried to somehow focus but it was more then impossible. So many things were going through my head. I want Jimin and I need Jimin. I wanna be with him 24/7 and never let him go but I know that I can't. We have to keep everything a secret. At school he is nothing more then my maths teacher. And then there is Tae. What should I do with him. We are not talking and I hate it but I am to scared to talk with him. I never thought that I would ever be scared of talking to someone. I am not the scared type of person.
"This was for today everyone. Goodbye and don't be late for your next lesson!" The teacher said and everybody answered with a goodbye. I stood up and made my way to my next class without thinking about anything else. I was completely lost in my own world until I saw something in the aula.
"What the..." I just stared confused and almost cried. What is going on here...

...to be continued

Hehe sorry for the weird ending but I really want you to little think what could happen next ;).

Shout out to Lya_95. Thank you for being and amazing supporter!! Your comments killed me XD!

Comment, like, be active if one of you wants to be in the next chapter!! 😉

Comment, like, be active if one of you wants to be in the next chapter!! 😉❤

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