10.dont ever talk about my family

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We all bonded and my friends got really close to my parents

We now had dance so i changed and left with my friends

We now had dance so i changed and left with my friends

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(This is her and her outfit)

I threw on some white converse with it before leaving

Mark gave my dad a pass to come as a counselor to this camp .so now he was the new songwriting counselor

Mark and i got really close too which obviously pissed stacey off

"Ok guys get with your partner and come up with a fun dance together you have an hour since the singing counselor went on a date with her husband because she hasnt seen him in three years"GG said and smiled at lena and i

"cough slut cough" staecy said and smirked

That bitch is gonna pay

"Oh no" said lena and luke

In seconds i had her pinned to the wall"listen. You can do anything you want with me or say to me.you can beat me to death i wont care.but if you ever talk about any one in my family your going to regret coming into this world.got it " i said dangerously

She tried clawing at my hands but failed

She scoffed "i can do whatever i want bitch " she returned

"At least im stating facts " she smirked and said

Then i lost it .all i saw was red

I was about to lunge at her when someone grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back so i wouldnt kill her and i knew it was mark

"Your a really lucky slut you know but i'll say this again if you ever talk crap about my family again your going to regret it " i said glaring at her.if looks could kill she would be 6 feet under

She nodded and scurried away

GG did not say anything cause she knows i dont like it when people talk about my family

Mark got me to cool off and we started working on our little dance

(First dance is theirs but she didnt jump on him and they didnt kiss)

We performed and left after everyone was done

We were going to dinner and i was getting ready
.we were allowed to leave since the counselors were celebrating something tonight

we were allowed to leave since the counselors were celebrating something tonight

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