How you meet them

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Lesion: One day you were eating ice cream, It was a super hot day so you decided to take a walk to find some shelter. You stumble apon a crumbling , old mossy building. You felt brave that day so you walked straight in without a second thought. The second you walked in you stood on a sharp needle and instantly started to feel extremely sick. "ouch.." You tried to pull it out but it was so deep, it was stuck. You sat down and started to black out. Just before you passed out you felt warm hands on your leg and a sudden sting feeling. "Are you alright?" A very strong accent came from the strange man helping you. You picked yourself back up from the ground and dusted the dirt off yourself. "Yeah...I'm fine" You said with your hand on your head, You look up to see a tall chinese man. "Let me help you." You grab his hand and you both walk towards the door to back towards the city.

Hibana: "Friendly injured" Hibana yelled as she quickly came to your side. You had just hotbreached into the top floor or coastline and went straight into a welcome mat. She revived you and you stood up and thanked her. "Lets keep pushing forward!" She yelled with spirit as she ran towards the objective.

Echo: "'re telling've been sitting on this beach for how many hours??" You questioned the strange man sitting at the ocean side, right next to your house. "I'm going to lie here a little bit longer..." He said drifting off more and more. "..." You were silent on the outside but on the inside you were laughing at this guy just sleeping on the beach. "Whats your name?" You said sitting next to him and opening a cold drink for yourself. "Masaru...But you call me Echo, Yes?" He said looking over at me. I gave him a suspicious look but nodded my head and smiled. "Sure thing, Echo."

Buck: I was on vacation in Canada with my family. On tuesday night I decided to adventure into the woods alone. I was deep into the forrest when I suddenly heard the sound of a shotgun very near by. I got scared and called out "Hello??" I heard a deep voice coming from behind me "Are you lost there eh?" (SORRY FOR STEROTYPE LOL) "No...Just wondering what those noises are." I said questioning him. "Working on my aim." He said turning around. "Let me try." I heard him laughing with his deep voice, Echoing through the forrest. He stopped for a minute, thinking about it. "Sure." He said, I was surprised but took it. He smiled at me as a struggled to even hold the fucking DMR its that fucking heavy.

(Will continue others in the next chapter :D)

Upcoming: Blitz, Bandit, Jager and Cav <3

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