Hell's Not So Bad

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You blinked twice but maintained your eye contact with Lucifer before you shrugged at him. His face was in complete shock as he tried to find your name on every list he had.

"You died on March 15, 20XX you say?" He asked you as he held onto one of his horns wondering why he couldn't find you on that date.

"Uh huh." You told him putting both your hands behind your back and standing on your tiptoes every few seconds. You looked around and whistled slowly noticing that he didn't look as scary as the living world described. There's was a humongous black castle that was very fascinating to look at. No architect in the living world would be able to pull off such a majestic masterpiece.

"Okay. Give me a moment." Lucifer told you as he walked away from you to make a call through the glass on his desk.

"Come on. Answer me." He mumbled desperately.

Finally he was able to connect with the person and gave you a glance trying to remember what he was going to say.

"Hey, there's this brat that-" he wasn't even done when the call was cut off prompting him to sigh and try to mantain his cool.

"Fucking piece of shit." He cursed as he walked back to you.

"Sit." He told you extending his arm towards the sofa. You took the seat wondering what the hell was going but tried not to think about it too much.

"Listen, you're not on my Grimoire's list of dammed souls so there's only two possibilities here." He began explaining to which you listened attentively.

"One. You're in coma in the living world, and two, you've accidentally been sent here, to hell." He continued to explain.

"What was your cause of death again?" He asked trying to remember himself.

"Murder." You replied.

"By?" Lucifer asked.

"Stabbed to death by my father." You told him as if it was nothing out of the ordinary.

He was surprised to see your cool demeanor but decided not to dive too deep into it.

"God's not gonna take my calls right now so you'll have to sit tight until I can go meet him and make arrangements for your trip to heaven." He informed you before he looked around and called a servant.

"Give her a chamber and have her rest until dinner. Make sure she doesn't drink the wine." Lucifer instructed the maid. She nodded in return, bowed down slightly to show her respects and headed towards you.


"You can visit the garden and the springs but please don't leave the castle." The servant warned you.

"Why not?" You asked out of curiosity. You're an introvert so you probably won't even leave this room.

"Dammed souls. They'll drag anything of purity." She warned you coldly.

"Purity? I'm sure I've committed sins along the way. I didn't even ask God for forgiveness." You chuckled.

"Well, someone must've prayed for your soul upon your death then." She spoke making you wonder who would do such a thing.

"If you need anything feel free to ring the bell." She told you before dismissing herself.

You took off your robe and placed it near the bath tub for when you get out. It wasn't exactly a bath to you since it was too big and made of black marble. You soaked yourself for a while knowing it was gonna take a few days for you to leave.

~~~ hours later

"No. I need to speak to him directly. It's urgent." Lucifer told the Angel that was speaking to him through the glass.

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