To hell with it

484 14 3

(Simon's P.O.V.)

I bloody hate this, I didn't want to be here, the only thing I can

appreciate is that it's a rainy day. I've always loved the rain,

sometimes I feel that, if there was a god, it's his way of cleaning

the earth for a new start. Unfortunately my "fresh start" wasn't

my idea, and I am completely against it. A few days ago my

mother and father sat my brother and I down at the table. Dad

began calm but joyous "Boys, we've got something big to tell you."

There was a short pause as my parents seemed pleased and my

brother excited, but there was something wrong about this all, as

though there was an underlying threat soon to arrive. This

made me cautious as mom finished the delivery of the news. "We

thought it would be best for us to move to a lovely little town, off

the coast!" She nearly bursted she was so thrilled with the idea,

my brother jumped to his feet " wait, really, you're serious we get

to move!" His enthusiasm nearly matching our mom causing our

dad to let slip a small but deep chuckle. I however was

devastated,  I held my composure which is something I've

become frighteningly good at, furrowing my brow while pinching

the bridge of my nose I plan my response carefully. I wanted to

be a good lad for my family, with so many emotions and the

intensity of them, with them clouding my head it wasn't going to

be a possibility. Gathering myself mentally, I spoke up " Right

well, that's lovely, so when do you plan on moving us." It was less

of a question, rather a demand, dad caught this but didn't

outwardly address it "we're moving in a week, so that you boys

have a week before school starts back up to get settled there." My

anger was rising by the second as I began realising something I

hadn't thought of till it was mentioned. My brother and I would

be forced to go to a new school, where we don't know anyone,

and be started and gawked at as though we were from another

planet entirely. Not to mention all of them prodding us with

questions "who are you? where are you from? why'd you move?"

None of this will be a problem for my brother, he's friendly,

outgoing and pleasant to be around, all things I've been told I'm

not. "Well then I suppose it doesn't bloody matter what I think

does it." My mom reached her hand towards mine and I let her

hold it " Simon dear, I know this isn't easy but it's what's best" she

was pleading with me, and it brought about a twinge of regret for

what I was about to say "pardon me, but I don't think you were

quite hit as hard by what happened and now this? This isn't

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