Bring Your Own SunShine 🌞

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(David's P.O.V.)

I absolutely love, the sun whenever it sets, rises, or shines. The

warmth of the sun reminds me of a gentle hug. Which is a

lovely way to wake up. This sun rise was no exception, I always

wake up before the sun to watch as it creeps up the sky and off of

the ground, laying on my stomach resting my head on folded

arms. Once the sun detaches from the hills I get up and head to

my closet, pulling out a button down white shirt, navy trousers,

and blazer with a pair of black socks and dark brown dress shoes.

Now I know this is a rather ravishing appearance and people will

ask "Who's the lucky girl?" or "What's the occasion?" I'm used to

these questions. They don't bother me as the people who ask

usually are new to town and don't know me, in all truth I just love

dressing up weather its formal attire or a costume. As I walk out I

pick up a black tie and neatly tie it before walking down stairs to

the kitchen preparing breakfast for my mum. Cooking is one

of my favorite this to do although I'm not the best with more

complex dishes you better bet I make wicked flapjacks. Turning

on the stove top and preparing the batter I hear my mum's door

open. "Well good morning my lovely lady and how have you

slept?" I fondly chirp She smiles sweetly walking over and leaning up as I tilt

my head lower for her to plant a kiss on my cheek "oh David,

your the best son any mom could have" she says cupping my

face. "well of course I am, figured that would be obvious" I say

with a side ways glance and a jestful smile gaining her scoff and

roll of the eyes. "after all I am your son, and what mother could

have one better" she laughs as I smile as wide as I can. With her

taking a seat at the table I start the tea and eggs after pouring the

batter for the flapjacks. Once it's all done I prepared two plates

and mugs bringing them over for us. "So did you sleep well?" I

ask before sipping my tea "I actually slept well thank you, what

about you, did you actually go to bed before midnight?" she raised her eye brows 

"I did" I say straightening my posture as if I'm very proud of this

accomplishment. "Right then well what time?" I simply replied

"11:59" she shook her head resting it on the palm of her hand. "oh

mum I almost forgot I'm heading to the park to hang out with

Amanda and Alesha today. " I soon become concerned as a cheeky

smile spreads across mums face "ok" tilting my head I say "ok

come on what is it?" she picked up her tea cup "Just thinking of

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