General Rules/Guidelines

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Okay so here are some general guidelines/Rules for this contest book!


💙 The oneshot or poem or whatever type of literary work I can think of to challenge you guys as writers must be about Clarity unless I state otherwise

💙The written work must take place in the era or situation I say the contest will be about.

💙 The contests will be held weekly. The Contest will either be posted the Sunday night or Monday morning of each week. The submission period for these pieces of writing will end on the 5th day of the contest which will be the Friday. This provides me with time to use my Saturday to read all the submitted works and pick out a winner.

💙The winning top 3 pieces of writing will be revealed sometime on the Sunday before each new contest is announced.

💙 You can make and submit an unlimited amount of written works for a single weekly contest

💙 Oneshots must be a minimum of 1,000 words. There will be no maximum limit. For poems the minimum amount will be different and I will state that amount when I announce a Clarity themed poem contest.

💙Written works must be sent via link through pm, or in the comments of the contest chapter. You can either make a new book specifically for this contest, put it in an existing book you already have, or send it on a word document or google doc. I really just need a way to read it. You all, I assume, are intelligent enough to figure out how to do that.

💙 Have fun with this contest book and don't stress.

💙 Clarity ships are allowed in the oneshots you just have to make sure it goes along with the contest theme of the week.

💙 The top three winners will get a special prize created by me. The top 3 winners can pick from these 5 prize options,

-A oneshot starring Clarity and their oc written by me,
-A superhero outfit for their oc created by me,
-A custom made book cover created by me for their story
-Another kind of outfit for their oc to wear created by me
-A read and review of an entire story written by you and it will be added permanently to my personal library.

You Ready for some contests? I know I am! If you have any questions please tell me in the comments!

Clarity's Writing ContestWhere stories live. Discover now