The Courage of a Gazelle

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I woke up beside Annabeth. I felt a jolt of confusion, but then memories of the previous night washed over me and I relaxed, enjoying her warmth and her sweet scent. She woke up and stretched, her pelt catching the rays of the early morning sun. "I have to go back," she said. "Gabe will kill me if I'm late. Are you coming?"
"I can't, I have a pride that I'm part of," I said.
"You're scared!" she challenged. "You're too frightened to face Gabe!"
"I-I never said that!" I sputtered.
"You said it yourself," she snarled. "You're a coward. Now are you coming or not?"
I opened my jaws to answer her question, but just then a scream lifted through the air. I felt like I had been struck by lightning. "Come on!" I yowled and took off, bunching up my muscles to speed forward.
I arrived at camp to see my pride in disarray, under attack by a pride I had never seen. Jupiter was battling a large lion with the darkest mane I had ever seen. "You'll never win Kronos!" Jupiter growled as he swiped at the enemy.
Kronos ducked and returned a blow. Meanwhile, my camp mates were battling other lions, their pelts already laced with scratches. With a sinking feeling in my chest I realized that my pride was losing.
I jumped into the foray, Annabeth at my side as we fought. Soon, the tide of the battle was turning. It looked like we were going to finally drive off the invaders!
Then, I heard a cry. "Father!" Jason shrieked.
I knocked my paws heavily against the lion I was battling and leapt towards Jupiter. I saw Kronos towering over his limp body, his paws wet with blood. He leisurely strolled over to Jason and I. "Well, well cubs," he purred. "It seems like your pathetic excuse of a father-and a pathetic excuse of a son-is dead. Now it's your turn!"
"You killed my father!" Jason growled, looking like he was going to spring at the massive lion.
I knew that he would surely lose the fight. He was too small and Kronos was too large. He stood no chance against the colossal murderer. So, I decided to talk. "You're going to kill his father," I said, flicking my tail at Jupiter's unmoving body. "I thought you wanted to rule the entire savannah."
Kronos's eyes hardened. "You will not joke with me," he snarled.
"I'm sorry," I said. "Did you say poke? I'd like to poke you."
Kronos growled and leapt at me, but I darted to the side and shoved him, his momentum and weight sending him tumbling to the ground, dust splattering over his blood-splotched pelt. Jason charged at Kronos and struck him squarely on the head.
Thalia, Jason's big sister who was a full-grown lioness, chased off the intruder she had been battling and ran over to us. She joined in on the fight and Kronos was soon only able to lift up his paws feebly and was unable to land even the lightest blows.
When he finally had enough, he yowled and retreated. "Don't you dare return!" Thalia spat as he hared away.
"What do we do now?" Jaron asked numbly.
I looked to see Annabeth instead of answering his question and looked over to her. "You're alright," I purred when I saw that she had only a few minor claw marks.
"As are you," she said, laying her tail on my shoulder.
"You're right," I said. "I need to return."
"That's great!" Annabeth purred.
"I can't leave yet," I warned her. "I need to help my pride, but I swear on my life that I will return. I love you."
She stretched out her neck and gave me a quick lick on the ear. "I know," she said. "I'll see you soon Percy."
"Our leader is dead!" I heard many of my camp mates cry in grief.
Jupiter's body was cleaned and set in the middle of the camp, the moon illuminating his thick mane and fine pelt. I felt a pang of grief wash over me. That pang deepened to a flood of grief when I saw Thalia, Jason, and Reyna curling up around their father's body, their bodies slack with exhaustion.
        When the deep indigo hue of the sky became a patchwork of colors: reds, pinks, oranges, and purples, all of helped carry Jupiter's body outside of camp. After his body was rolled into a hole in the earth, Thalia stepped forward, her eyes dark and her voice trembling as she spoke. "My father will be remembered as a great leader," she said. "May he find peace among the stars, plentiful food, and fresh water."
     The rest of us raised our voices in agreement and for one, long moment it seemed as if Jupiter would rise from the dead. When he failed to, the pride erupted into cries of grief and diet showered over his body. Though he was in his grave, the grief was even sharper than when he had just been slain.
Jason looked at me with eyes like a cornered, newborn cub. Thalia looked angry, as if that could mask her grief. Reyna's shoulders were as straight as always, but her eyes revealed the sadness that she could not-for once-mask. "What are we going to do?" one of the lionesses, named Marie, asked.
      "I would make a good leader," Pluto said, stepping forward.
      Hazel rolled her eyes, but she looked proud. Mars stepped forward. "I am stronger," he boasted. "I should be the leader!"
     "In your dreams," Apollo snorted. "I should be the leader."
    "I should be the leader!" Octavian announced.
     Everyone turned to him in surprise and his neck fur began to stand up. "I'd be the best leader," he growled. "You'll never hear anyone say that there is a better leader than Octavian!"
      The pride broke up into squabbles and the cubs looked confused. "Why are you guys fighting over my father's position right after he died?" Thalia asked angrily.
      I stepped forward. "I have an idea," I said and their gazes settles on me.

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