Look at all that space-:
Cold sheets, too unruffled for my liking.
The mattress screams, awaking the hope in the night.
Fighting with duvets, you never win.
The innocence, the incentive, sinking,
Into the soft and white waves,
Keep flowing, with all I am knowing, the frame is glowing
In the dark.
I sleep naked, and afraid, or just afraid:-
A warm place, moulded to you.
Silence doesn't dance, but sleeps until the nightmares are too much.
Here, hear, I raise to blow,
I'll never let go, I know, it goes to show,
I, in comfort, owe.
Look at all that space beside my exposed, shivering corpse.
Isn't it exciting? Should I back out?
I giggle, thanks for listening,
The Confessions of a 90's Kid
Poetry"Words are weapons: for warriors, for war heroes, for worrying teenagers and therefore for me."