Chapter 12

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~Jungkook pov~

It's Saturday. Taehyung and I really have nothing to do today. We had went to my house when my parents weren't home to get me some stuff that I wanted. We then came back here and chilled for like 4hours. We are bitterly bored to death with nothing to do.

"Boy's, are you still bored?" His mom chuckled from the door way into his room. We both nodded. "Ok, how about you guys help clean up a bit? Or at least do the heavy lifting?" She asked. I nodded and got up. Taehyung sighed and got up as well. We walked downstairs and started to help her clean. "Can you guys lift the couch so I can vacuum under it?" She asked. I nodded and got one end of the couch and Taehyung got the other. We then lifted it. She vacuumed and told us to put it down. We did this for a hour before we got bored again........ so we went upstairs and lied back down.


"Ok, this is boring. Let's do something." Taeyugn sighed. "Like what?" I asked. "Well... I don't know. Let's go out. We haven't done that lastly. Wanna go to the movies?" Taehyung asked. "It's early for a movie..." I said. He nodded. "How about we go to the mall. We can shop and then eat. And but the time we are done, we can see a movie." Taehyung said. I smiled and nodded. We got up and got on some different clothes. We brushed our teeth and calmed our hair down. We then walked downstairs and told his mom that we were heading out. We walked to his car. We got in and he began to drive to the mall. I turned up the volume of the radio and blasted some music. Taehyung chuckled and kept driving.


We reached the mall. We had been shopping for about 20 minutes. "Tae, Tae, Tae! Look! It's so nice, I kinda want it... but, I like this.... Ugh." I sighed. I found two hoodies I liked but I only wanted to get one, cause Taehyung was buying it for me. "I'll get you both." He offered. "No, let me think." I said. He nodded and waited.

"Ugh~" I was frustrated. "It's just a damn hoodie, why am I so frustrated." I said aloud to myself. "C'mon babe, I'm just gonna buy you two of them." Taehyung chuckled. I pouted. "I feel bad tho." I said. "It's ok, now c'mon." He smiled. We walked to the register and he paid. We then walked tot he food court to get some food.

"Hyung, I'm done. Can we go to the movies now?" I asked. "Sure, c'mon." He said. We got up and threw our stuff away. We then walked to his car. We got in and he started to drive to the movie theater.

"So, what do you plan on watching?" Taehyung asked. Hmm, I don't really know yet. I answered. Taehyung stopped at a red light. "Do you wanna watch romance, action, horror, or mystery?" He asked. I thought. "I'm in the mood for action." I answered. The light turned green and he turned into the movie theater parking lot. He parked and we got out of the car. We walked into the theater. "Ok, pick." Taehyung said. I looked at all the movie choices. "This is a hard choice and has to be done correctly and carefully." I said. Taehyung chuckled. He put his arm around my shoulder.

After 10 minutes, I had finally found a movie I wanted to see. "Ok, that one." I said, pointing to it. Taehyung nodded and walked away to get the tickets. I went to the consseions and got us some popcorn. We met up and walked to the theater room we were in. We settled down in your seats. The movie wasn't suppose to start for another 10 minutes so we had nothin to really do. He ate some popcorn. I looked around the theater. I then saw two familiar people walk into the theater. It was Namjoon and Jin. I smiled and waved. They waved back. Their seat was in front of ours. "Hey guys." Namjoon smiled. "Hey, what are you two doing?" Jin asked. "Ehh, we got bored so we decided to come to a movie." He answered. "I thought I saw your car when we got here, but I wasn't sure." Jin said. They settled down in their seat and started quietly talking to each other. I turned to Taehyung. "Hello." I said. He smiled and looked at me. "Hi." He replied. "Watcha doing'?" I asked. He smiled. "Um, talking to you." He answered. "Do ya love me?" I asked. He smiled and scooted closer to me. He rapped his arm around me. "Of course I do. Do you love me?" He asked. I giggled and pecked his lips. "Yep, more than you love me." I answered. "Haha, sure. I love you more." He chuckled. "No, I love you more." I said. "No, I. Love. You. More." He said, kissing me between each word. "Hyung~ I love you more." I said, pouting. "No- why do you look sad?" He asked. "Because, you don't believe me, you don't believe that I love you more." I pouted. "Aww, babe how about we just say we love each other more than either one of us and can express? Hmm?" He offered. I smiled and nodded. He chuckled and kissed my cheek. The lights went dim and the movie started. I leaned my head on Taehyung shoulder and happily watched the movie.

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