~14 years later~carter pov
Today's the day my daughter Alyssa is turning 14 so I'm taking here to a falloutboy concert with Gabbie and josh.i hadn't seen Carly in 14 years and I miss here every single day but I haven't moved on yes I had a lovely daughter but her mother and I didn't last long after her.she moved away and said she didn't want nothing else to do with her.
"Lyssa you ready to see Pete and Patrick"I told my daughter from downstairs

"Yes dad I'm so ready I can't wait to see uncle Pete and Patrick "she said running downstairs and jumping on my back

"Your 14 why are you still jumping on my back but it's you birthday so I will except it "I said grabbing my keys and heading to the car

"Yay I can't wait to see uncle josh Pete and Patrick and also aunt Gabbie today is going to be the best day ever" she said getting off my back and into the passengers sit

I drove to the place and park the car I walked in and was walking to back stage before I got stop by a bouncer

"Passes please "he said

"Damit I don't have them I left them with Pete so let me in or I will call him "I said getting a little mad

"You don't scare me and no passes can't go I-"he gets off by Pete
"Let them in goddamit it's
Carter and Alyssa "he said picking Alyssa up and throwing her over his shoulder
"Let me down loser "she said kicking and punching he's back

"Your wish is my comman "he said put her down

I walk in and saw Patrick joe Andy Gabbie josh and the hole vlog squad including Carly

"Hey guys "I said waving at everyone "where's Brendon"

"He had to pick up something" josh said

Alyssa pov
I can't believe all my favourite are my favourites are here from the vlogsquad to falloutboy

"Dad are you performing? "I ask him and when I ask him Carly eyes widen

"If you want me to but I'm
going on stage everyone stay here"he said walking on stage

Carters pov again
I walked on stage and heard the fans scream at me

"Hey guys I have a very special Person that mean the world to me here's Alyssa Luna Rogers"I said very happy for Alyssa to come out on the stage

Alyssa ran on stage and hug and jumps on me

"Since it's Alyssa you know what let's sing a song for her"
I said for everyone to sing happy birthday

Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday Alyssa happy birthday to you everyone sing inculding me

"Thanks everyone "she said smiling at everyone and she kissed my cheek.

"We are not done we still have this" I said show her the bored of her favourites saying happy birthday

It was the end of it and she was crying so everyone ran on stage and hugged her and Carly hugged me for some odd reason so I hugged her back

"Umm Carly why are you hugging me Alyssa is over there"I said

"I know but I just really missed you and I wanted a hug since Bruce"she said still hugging me

"I thought you and him are still together and I missed you too I couldn't stop thinking about you I said I was com-she cuts me off by kissing me so I kissed back In tell I heard

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