(Ch2) I hate this

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I was kinda getting jealous because he was cute and nice once I got to know him. "So I was wondering can you help me with some thing at the book store?" She asked I got up and said "I can help too I'm strong!" "Oh no it's fine I only need one person."she said in a get lose voice.
"Oh" I said sitting down. There was no one sitting in the set next to me but then a girl sat next to me and said "Hi I'm Jae!" "Oh hello I'm Joon." I said smiling. We had been talking for a long time. It was at the end of the day and Jae had interdicted me to her friend Woo Yanna. He was really nice
I could tell he had a crush on her. It was time for me to go home. "Hey were do you live?" Carlos asked scratching the back of his neck. "I thought you had to help Ming." I said in a Lowe sad voice so he couldn't really hear me.
"I know I was planing on going to go with her but I just wanted to know were you lived." He said. It was pretty cold and I sniffed. "I'll tell you tomorrow." I said walking away. "Joon wait!" He said but I didn't stop. I hate this. I repeated in my head.
As I was walking I had to go down a long narrow alley. I was always scared that I was going to get hurt and no one would help me or that I would get kidnaped. I was walking slow and was staring at the ground. I looked up and there were two boys.
They looked about the age of 15-17. They approached me and I stoped. I looked up and was scared. "Aww don't be scared little girl" One of them said. I started to cry. I tried to run but they grabbed me. I yelled as loud as I could. One of them covered my mouth and pulled me back.
~•Carlos's POV•~
I heard a scream come from the alley that I was suppose to turn at. I looked down  the alley and saw Joon being held by to boys. She was crying. I ran up to her and pulled her out of their grips. I held her in my arm trying to calm her.
The two boys ran away. She was so scared she couldn't walk. "Are you ok?" I asked. All she did was cry in my neck. It was kinda cute. (Obviously it was cute she was like two feet shorter than me) I put her on my back. She cried and cried. "Hey you got to tell me were you live so I can drop you off." I said in a soft voice.
She pointed to were I was staying. Ohhh so she must be who my dad was talking about. She's my dads friends daughter. Wait I like my dad friends daughter!

Word count:540 words
I know this chapter is short but I hope you still like it. Also if there were any mistakes pleas under stand that it's hard to do more than one story at a time

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