Chapter 1

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Chelsea's POV

"It's almost 7.00pm. The sun is just starting to go down and I can feel a chill coming on. Why did I have to leave my hoodie on my bedpost? At least I'm wearing socks in these sneakers, otherwise my toes would totally fall off! Oh my gosh he's coming out of his house now..."

She leans forward ever so slightly past the tree while sitting on the wall of Lucas Street. She has been practising this moment all week. After studying what he does at every hour of the day, she figured now is the time to catch him off guard and light up his evening by

"gracing him with my presence. Ok you can do this. Be that girl he wants. The girl that he stares at for too long and then ends up forgetting what he was going to do because the mere sight of you makes him swallow hard" (phrasing lmao ). You've gone through this so many times, the only thing that can ruin it is you messing up your lines so, don't let yourself down girl!"

She spreads her hair proportionally and pushes her breasts up. She pulls her skater skirt higher and pulls her high kneed socks up while pulling her tshirt underneath down. She brushes her tongue across her teeth and cheeks and does a few funny facial expressions before breathing in deeply and sighing. She looks out from the tree one more time before lightly jumping off the wall and starts walking towards him.

"Oh my God, look at his hair. He looks like a Calvin Klein model. The way his hair sticks up at the front, yet the sides are short and hot. I hope he notices my hair, I curled it just for him. Actually he probably won't so don't get upset if he doesn't. Ha, easier said than done".

As she walks closer to him, his phone rings and he stops to answer it.

"Damn it, why now? Why couldn't you just ignore it? Now I can't stop walking otherwise it will look like I want to bump into you. I bet it's Sadie..."

"Hi Sadie".

I'm going to kill that girl tommorow.

Him: H

Sadie: S

H: You alright?

S: Yeah, just missing your face.

H: I saw you like 3 hours ago

S: I know but it doesn't feel like it. I miss you

H: Yeah...

S: Aren't you going to say I miss you too?

H: Um yeah I do. Look i'm late for practice so I'll see you at school

S: Yeah, whatever, Mister-I-Can't-Commit

H: Sadie please... I'm just tired

S: You're not the only one (hangs up)

He sighs. The whole time i'm still walking, but just really slowly, until he looks up and sees me then I pick up the pace and smile at him.

Hey Jace!

Hi Chelsea :)

Jace: J

Chelsea: C

C: How are you?

J: Oh I'm alright. what are you doing at this late hour?

C: Oh I'm j..just um, you know, j-jogging. Yeah I'm jogging.

J: In a skirt?


C: Well yeah. That way I'm light and free ;)

J: (amused laugh) haha well I don't blame you. Beats baggy jogging bottoms and ponytails

C: Oh, yeah, totally! Where are you headed? .

J: Well I was just about to go running too. I like running at this time.

You cute liar. I thought you told Sadie you had practice!

C: In a leather jacket ;)

J: Um, I like to be...tight and restricted!

C: Hmm, so we're opposites then huh?

J: Yeah, I guess we are :)

C: Well I'll let you get on with your running ;)

J: And you your jogging :)

C: See ya later Jace

J: Bye Chelsea

"OMG I talked to him! He talked back to me! He was smiling at me! He was laughing at something I said!! And he noticed my hair!!! Well, only that it wasn't in a ponytail but that means he was being observant...hell he was checking me out!!! The chill was making my arms get goosebumps but i couldn't care less. I can't wait to see him tommorow, and it sounds like neither can he"

To be continued...

Hey there, so this is a new story that I'm starting. I started another book but tbh I wasn't making it official, call it a test run ;) I hope you liked this chapter, I'm going to commit as hard as I can to this, depending on the reaction I get from it! Please vote, comment and keep reading because it does get more interesting,  I PROMISE hahaha ;)

Bohemian L.O.V.E and HUGS

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