Chapter 4

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I can feel warmth on my face and there's a flying V of ducks moving across a melting sunset. Cold water is nipping at my toes and my hair is curled and blowing across my face. My eyes are closed but I can hear someone calling my name...

Chelsea... Chelsea....

J: Chelsea?

C: Hey what? What!! What did I miss?

J: did I upset you? We don't have to you know, I just thought you wanted to?

C:...Jace...I would love to...go out...with you

Jace's face lights up

J: Great. Meet me after school yeah?

C: Mm Hmm... :) :)

Chelsea is practically holding off screaming while skipping (literally) to the principle's office. Jace watches her turn the corner before stuffing his hands in his pockets and uttering a victorious 'yes', then makes his way over to his next class. As Chelsea arrives at the principle's office, she meets her teacher at the same time and opens the door for her.

"After you Miss Crane" "Oh, well, thank you Chelsea".

The principle is called Mrs Westword and she likes Chelsea. She hears how hard she works but she is also aware of  Chelsea's behaviour around boys. She tries to hide her smiles as Chelsea enters her office for the 5th time this month.

"Hello Chelsea, please take a se- oh, you already are".

Yes of course I am, I have a date to get ready for...

"Now, I don't think we need to go into why you are here. I have a feeling you understand why".

This is the bit where I nod my head vigorously right? Help me out guys ;)

"Oh yes Miss, I understand and i'm sorry for not paying attention in class." "And that's the thing Chelsea. I don't want you to be sorry, in fact, I think you were just distracted by a few fellow pupils"

Yes, one in particular...

"But the problem is, how do we get you to concentrate in class? We can't do that for you can we? You need to motivate yourself on your own Chelsea".

Now I should feign defeat, so that she believes she's got to me.

*sigh* "Ok Miss, i'm going to really try my hardest this time, I won't let anyone get in the way of my studies".

"Chelsea I'm very impressed by your sudden maturity. However, don't let me find you in my office again over the same matter, is that clear?"

C: Crystal.

"Ok Chelsea, you can leave".

C: Bye Mrs Westword. *gently shuts the door*

Ok, gotta get to my next class. I don't think they'll be a free seat next to Jace but I don't care. He's asked me out. My life is almost complete. I could die right now knowing he wanted me. Of course I'd have to go on the date first. Then another, just so I know he wasn't just bored of Sadie. Then we'd kiss, now that would make my life complete. I've wanted nothing else. Ooh, then we'd get married and theeeen ;) ;)...dammit Chelsea, you're thinking too much about this. He only just asked me on a date like 5 minutes ago!! Just get to class, give him a discreet sweet smile. Well, at least I can

"Look on the bright side, I'll see him after school the normal way, and not watching him walk home for half an hour before turning back to walk home myself ;)".


Hey there, sooo I think it's safe to say that Chelsea is positive about Jace asking her on a date *cough* *crazy ass bitch* *cough* and I can't wait to see what Jace has planned for their date. But will it be how Chelsea's always imagined? That's what anticipation is for, innit?? (lmao )  Stay tuned to read Chapter 5 and find out! Please Vote, Comment and Share this story, I wanna see if anyone's reading it, hell, if they even like it!!!

Bohemian L.O.V.E and HUGS

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2014 ⏰

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