Chapter 11

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Bakugo wakes to the sound of Midoriya vomiting and he runs to the bathroom, finding Deku with his head almost in the toilet.

“Are you okay?” He asks as he rubs Midoriya’s back.

“No.” He answers shortly and heaves again.

“Maybe we should get you to the doctor. Shouldn’t this have stopped by now? You’re already five months pregnant and yet your still vomiting like it’s your first month.” He asks and Deku just heaves again.

“That’s it. I am not going to work. We’re getting you to the” He says and heads for his phone. Looking at the time, he realises it’s still too early to call the doctor and gets irritated immediately, but the sound of Midoriya vomiting and now crying in one makes him more worried than irritated.

He heads to the kitchen and starts making Midoriya black tea. ‘This usually settles his stomach, but then again nothing has been working for a while now.’ He thinks as he finishes the tea and heads upstairs finding Midoriya to weak to stand.

“Fuck the doctor. We’re taking you straight to the hospital.” He growls picking Midoriya up and heading to the bedroom. He grabs clothes from the closet, dresses himself and helps Midoriya dress.

On their way to the hospital, he calls his boss and explains the situation. “Okay, so I got the next week off, let’s get you checked out.” He says as they stop at the hospital. He walks to Midoriya’s side and opens the door.

“Come on Deku. You’re really starting to fucking make me worry now.” He grumbles as he takes him out of the car and head inside.

“It’s our lucky day, looks like you’re doctor is working the ER, so let’s go.” He says entering the emergency room and finding Midoriya’s doctor. As he looks at the very pale and very thin Midoriya, he motions for Bakugo to lay him on the bed.

“Does he still have morning sickness?” The doctor asks shocked after Bakugo explains everything and he nods. “It’s more like whole day sickness now. He can’t keep anything down, he barely sleeps, he refuses to eat and honestly it’s starting to get on my last fucking nerve now.” Bakugo says angrily clutching his fists.

When the doctor is done with his tests, he walks over to a worried Bakugo and a very quiet Midoriya.

“Due to you not eating, you have weakened quite a bit. You’re malnourished, meaning the baby is malnourished. I’m going to book you into the hospital for time being and run an IV, we need to get fluids and vitamins into your system. I’m also giving you medication for the nausea.” He says and Bakugo looks at a worried Midoriya.

“Is the baby okay?” He asks visibly shaken as he looks from Bakugo to the doctor and the doctor nods. “He’s a bit behind normal growth rate, but other than that his heart is beating fine. I’m more worried about you.” The doctor says as he looks from Midoriya to Bakugo.

“Mr. Katsuki can I talk to you for a minute.” He says seriously and Midoriya looks scared.

“It’s okay. I’m just stepping outside. Try to get some sleep for now please.” He says softly as he kisses Midoriya on the head, squeezing his hand.

Following the doctor outside, the doctor turns and looks at Bakugo, worries written all over his face.

“Spit it out Doc. What’s really going on?” Bakugo asks irritated and stares at the doctor.

“I’m really sorry, but his body is just too weak to support the baby. He won’t be able to carry the baby full term.” The doctor says and Bakugo feels as though his world has been ripped from under him.

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