✓First Day at P.K Academy

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In Class/ 3rd Pov

"Hey, did you hear there's a new transfer student?"

"Oh yeah, I hear it's a girl."

"Really! I hope she's cute."

"Yeah, but she won't compare to Teruhashi." Whispers came left and right from the male students about the new transfer student.

"Hey Saiki, do you think this new transfer might be a spy of the Dark Reunion--wait where's Nendou?” Said a boy with baby-blue hair named Kaidou Shun turning to his pink-haired friend, Saiki Kusuo.

The Psi-user just ignored the chuunibyou male and kept to his own thoughts. Who cares and isn't there already enough transfers. Saiki sighed annoyingly wanting to go home and enjoy coffee jelly.

As soon as the bell rang all the students sat down and kept quiet when the teacher came in, as did Nendou who looked happier than usual.

What's with the creepy smile? Saiki raised a brow.

"Oh hey little buddy, guess what-"

“I don't care.” The psychic put his head down not really paying attention.

"Alright students quiet down. We have a new student, so please stand up to greet her." As everyone stood up, the new female student bearing the school's uniform came in. She casually walked in with her hands intertwined in front of her. She had (length) (color) hair, big (color) eyes, (color) skin and pink lips that curved into a shy smile.


The teacher gave you a nod, "Would you like to introduce yourself?"

Not really, but I guess...

You looked back at her and politely nodded back. "Yes um, hello class. My name is (L/N) (Y/N) and I love anime, sleeping, food-"

A gasp folowed by a loud snore was heard, "FOOD!"

The enthusiastic voice belonged to a brunette female with glasses exclaimed wearing a big grin. The teacher gave her a stern look and the girl sat back down. You giggled causing some of the males to blush at the sound. Your (e/c) eyes looked around until stopping at one male in particular. He had purple hair and fake glasses, shielding striking purple eyes that were gazing back into yours in you with awe, and a light blush coating his sharp cheekbones.

He's handsome. You blushed, ignoring the butterflies swirling around in your stomach and went back to your introduction.

"Anyways, I hope to be friends with you all and make fun memories." You ended with a small smile, furthering the already blushing males.

"Okay, thank you for that lovely introduction now please take a seat next to-” She briefly checked her seating chart. “-Kuboyasu. Kuboyasu, can you raise your hand, please?" The teacher instructed looking at the guy with glasses who was still staring at you.

Kuboyasu broke away from his daze and nodded. You took this signal and made your way to the empty beside him.

She's even cuter up close, wait she can't know of who I used to be, she'll hate me, he thought and turned to you. You seen his gaze and looked at him with a friendly smile and waved.

 You seen his gaze and looked at him with a friendly smile and waved

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