(19) Breaking Up

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Short chapter

Aren's POV

I quietly flipped through the manga that I had already read, but still loved. It was a gift from (Y/N) so I wanted to treasure it as much as possible.

She waited in line for a full day just to get her hands on it. I was very grateful that she took the time just for me. What a woman, my woman

I popped another stick of pocky in my mouth and kept reading.


My phone chimed and a picture of (Y/N)'s adorable face popped up. I smiled softly and answered the phone. "Hello."

"Hey Aren." (Y/N) sighed.

She sounded a bit muffled. "What's up?" She stayed silent for a bit of muffling went on and he heard her talking to someone in a cute voice.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Babe?"

"Huh? Oh sorry um....Aren listen......sick of..... you......I'm sorry...I can't......breaking up." I couldn't hear her as much, but my stomach dropped at her words.

I didn't believe my ears. The phone hung up and I stayed there frozen. Did..did she just break up with me?

My breath hitched and I felt my phone buzz.

Cutie❤️-Sorry, I wish there was a better connection between us.

I felt tears brim from my eyes but I wiped them away. Why the hell, all of a sudden would she break up with me? What did she mean by a better connection? We've made confessed and made love, so what was a better connection than that? Plus who was she making a cute voice to?

Jealousy burned in my heart, so I grabbed my jacket and helmet before grabbing my bike keys.

I ran outside and immediatly started it.

Your POV

You pouted at your phone. "Poor Aren. I feel bad for wasting his time." You turned to the companion who was laying on your lap.
"Alright cutie, who's hungry."


3rd POV

Aren was able to make it to your house. He pounded on the door angrily. After a few seconds, you opened it.

Your smile turned into a confused one after seeing that he was angry. "Aren what's wrong?"

"You." He stated. He walked inside your house without a word and turned around to look at you. "Did you mean it?"

You were taken back and closed the door. "Mean what?"

He took out his phone and showed you the text. You looked back at him. "Well yeah."

"Why?" He asked weakly.

"Because it's true. The connection sucks and I'm not able to talk to you." You replied.

"What do you mean? We talk almost everyday, we've even made love." He walked towards you and grabbed your arms.

You blushed and shook your head. "What does that have to do with anything?"

Aren let go and sat on the couch with his head in his hands, "So, you are sick of me aren't you?"

"Okay, Aren. I'm so confused, what are you even talking about?"

"Our phone call, you said you were sick of me and that your sorry. You broke up with me." He choked.

You titled your head and gasped. You quickly went up to him. "Aren, I wasn't breaking up with you. It was my reception. My words were cut off, I was saying that I'm sorry that I can't answer all of the time and that our phone service was breaking up. This dumb electricity has been wierd lately so it's hard for me to receive calls."

Aren blinked and face-palmed. "Of course." He tightly hugged you. "I wish we were married already." He cooed.

You giggled and ruffled his hair.

"Wait! What about that cute voice you made." He asked.

"Oh I was taking care of Ri-kun's hamster for him since he had to go somewhere." You told him. Nendou had to go to the doctor and of course he didn't want to lose his beloved pet, so he trusted you to take care of him.

"Yeah he's just eating right now, see" Aren's gaze went to a cage on the table where a cute hamster was munching on it's food.

"Welp, I guess I overreacted." He kissed you on the forehead and decided to stay at your place for the night.


(A/N) hey peeps 😭❤️thanks for the nice comments in the other note. I'm doing good so far. I'm just really surprised that people actually read this book. I feel like there is a lot of mistakes so I'm currently editing it. I already did the first 3 chapters, so go ahead if you want to read them. Aren's kind of hard to write but I kind of getting it. I was thinking of writing one for that Rich guy but I'm going to stick with Aren for now. I don't know what else to say but thanks for reading 😄 though I kind of want to know more about what you peeps want to see or request for this story.

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