no more fights!

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"WAKE UUUUPPPP!!!" I jerk my eyes open in suprise and roll over to the side of the bed Drew was screaming from, trying to smack him in the process but ended up on the floor. Again.

I huffed and opened my eyes trying to gain some dignity while Drew wa on the floor laughing. He got up after another fit of laughter and I stuck my hands out for him to help me up, "Please," I whined and gave him the puppy dog face, he sighed and lifted me up but when he let go he grabbed my waste again and threw me over his shoulder. I tried screamed my head off but Drew found a way to cover my mouth with his hand which smelt like holister colonge. Thinking about how to get off his shoulder since he was headed for the bathroom, I licked his and when ever he went to pull away I screammed in his ear and kicked his nono square(lightly) then ran to the nearest closet. Locking the door I screamed,"Haha los-" the door opened and my mother was looking very angry and annoyed.

"What on earth are you doing its six am and your running around the house like a crazy person!" I look down at my feet and try not to laugh. Telling her that Drew was chasing me and that I couldn't get away so I locked myself in here...." She gives me a look that says 'your lucky I'm in a good mood' and walks away.


The guys, Anna and I were all laying by the pool when all of the sudden Erin walked into my back yard like he own the place. I looked at the guys and they looked at me silently telling me they would handle it. Mouthing thanks to them as they all got up and walk to where Erin was still standing by the fence checking his phone.

" Dude you do realize that this isn't your house right?" Alec says as he comes to a stop infront of him. Erin not even looking up answers with a shrug.

" Its not yours either." The argument got bigger and next thing I know I hear my name.

"Dude why don't you go tell Isabell if she wants me out of her yard she can do it instead of having you guys do it, I mean I know shes fat but is she lazy too?" Oh no he did not I was not fat and never have been. I got up intended to slap him so hard he wouldn't be able to talk right, but before I could Drew had punched him in the face and Alec had kicked him in the balls I started running over and heard Anna getting up and heading over to them to. Once the guys got in a fight it was really hard to stop them. I pushed Alec off of him while Anna got Drew those two were the most important they didnt need another run in with the cops after last time. Gosh that was horrible (they decided to drink a bunch of vodka and go to sign party well they didnt make it there).

"Get off of me you junkies!" Erin yelled standing up Cody and Derek were holding Drew and Alec back.Grabbing Erin I shove him into the fence smiling inside because of how shocked he looked that I could be that strong.

"Look go home or else they will beat the crap out of you and they don't need to get into more trouble and second-" I slapped himm as hard as I could" Im not fat. Now go." I point toward the gate which is left open and he power walks out of there. once he's on his side he flips us off still trying to gain some dignity but failing because the guys were yelling things way worse.

The rest of the day went by uneventfully after I cleaned all of the guy's cuts up which was like TWO litterally.


Blah blah blah i know some people dont care about auther notes but im putting one any way.

please comment and vote mostly comment its my first story need to know what people think!!!

guys i really need some comments so i know what i should do with the story

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