chapter 5

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Isabel pov~

I was in my room, on my phone listening to music. There's no school today so I wanted to spend all my time chilling in my room. I wanted to invite some friends over but I don't want them falling head over heels for my dad, it has happened, then again they feel jealous of my mom since he has more body than girls in my school. It's funny actually, my friends didn't even believe that my mom was a boy. My dad on the other side, showed my friends to who my mom belongs to. Especially my boyfriend that I invited over one time, he wouldn't keep his eyes off my mom and he even told me if I had a dad, I showed him I did when my dad came downstairs with just some sweat pants, showing his build body that made my friend scared of my dad.

I was just laughing at my memories from years ago. But was interrupted by a knock on my door.

"Who is it!" I yelled

"It's me sweety!" I got a response from the other side.

"Oh come on in mom!" I said, my mom, opened the door with a little box on his hands.
I sat up and took my headphones off.

"Yes, mom?"

"I want to show you something"

Then my mom sat on my bed and put the little box on his lap. I was confused about what he wanted to show me. My curiosity went away when my mom showed me what was inside the little box, it was a necklace, it had a rock-like figure, with different colors that designed the beautiful rock. I looked at my mom when he handed me the necklace.

"What is this?"

"This was given to me by someone that took care of me years ago"

"But why are you giving it to me?"

"Because I don't want anything bad happening to you, and a special someone can protect you with just having this necklace"



"Who gave it to you?"

"Mother nature"

"Whaaat~? Mother nature's real?"

"Of course! She protected me when I was just a depressed teen"

"Nah! Really!? That's awesome!"

"It isn't it, but you must take very good care of it, ok"

"Will do!"

"And if you want mother nature to fell love then just kiss the rock and she'll feel it"

"Ok! Waaaiit~ how is mother nature?"

"She's very beautiful, nice, delicate, and sweet. She cares for every living creature in this world. And a long time ago there were more guardians of this world but us humans kill them, well except for one, her"


"Now I must-"


"That's your dad"

"Why is he screaming?"

"He's on his man period and just wants a lot of attention"

"Then go on... I don't want dad to come inside my room"

"Jaja! yeah me either....well I'll get going....and remember what I said"

"Yes, mom!"

My mom got up and walked out of my door. I let out a sigh and looked at the necklace. It was beautiful, and maybe unique...I love it and I'll protect with my life.

Eren pov~

I walked to my room, and Levi was laying down on the bed. He let out a smirk and patted the empty spot next to him. I went and lay down next to him. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer.

"Where were you?"

"I went to give Isabel something"


He pulled me closer and kissed my neck. I let out a small laugh but that laugh transformed into a small moan.

"L-Levi no!"

"But I want your attention!"

"You have enough attention for today!"

"Then give me some love baby~"

I glared at him and wack him, making him rub his head in pain.

"oW! That really hurt!"

"Want me to give you another one"

"No thanks"

I let out a sigh and rolled my eyes. I cuddle more into Levi and let out a laugh.

"What's so funny?"

"I just remembered......that day"

"What day?"

"The day you slipped in the mall"

"Ey that wasn't funny! It hurt like hell!"

"Yeah took off a guys wig!"

"Heh...that was funny"

"Jaja and remember his girlfriend's face...Jajaja!"

"She was so shocked"

I started laughing so hard that the kids ran into our room and jumped on us.

"Watcha laughing about?"

"About the incident in the mall"

"Omg! That was so hilarious!!"

Then all of us started laughing. Levi let out a few chuckles. He then hugged us all.

"You guys are my brats....and no one will change that"

"Hey, I'm your husband!"

"And I'm your baby girl!"

"And I'm your firstborn!"

"And I'm your troublemaker!"

"And I am your sweet kid!"

"And I'm the luckiest guy in this world, cause I have everything I always wanted"

"Dad...sooner or later you won't have us"

"But I have your mothers ass that means I can have as many kids I want"

"No, you won't! Do you know how painful it is!? Carrying more and more babies is like making me lift bags of bricks for 9 months!?"

"Wow..geez mom thanks"

"Your welcome hunny!"

"Not what I literally meant!"

"I know!"

"You brats will be the death of me"

"Not really... you'll grow old and then die"

"Wow geez thanks Luka"

"Your welcome dad!"

We started laughing and just enjoyed our moment together. Just a big happy and crazy family.

Family~ereri (sequel to my monster)⏸complete⏸Where stories live. Discover now