Chapter 3: Donald Knows

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Donald Ressler began to notice Red and Liz were being friendly with each other again. He smiled at Liz "So, you guys have buried the hatchet?" Red nodded and wrapped his arm around Liz's waist. "Yes we have, Donald. Not that it's any business of yours." Ressler huffed "Whatever. At least you two aren't giving each other the cold shoulder anymore." he walked over to Aram.

Red gave Liz a quick kiss on her lips. Ressler saw and tilted his head "Maybe they're getting a little too friendly." he muttered. Samar glanced at him "Who?" Ressler nodded his head over at Red and Liz. "Keen and Reddington. Reddington just kissed her."

Cooper walked toward them "Agents, we're going to have a lock-in tonight in the facility. I think it would help all of us to get to know each other." Ressler protested "Sir? We already know each other."

"Professionally, yes. But not as closer friends. Tonight there will be one very important rule: No formalities." Liz sighed and looked at Red, not sure how he'd feel about the lock-in. 


Cooper gathered all his agents "First game's Truth or Dare. But, if you refuse a truth or dare one of us gives you, you'll lose an article of clothing." Liz's mouth gapes open "Y-You mean strip, sir?" Cooper nodded. Ressler looked at him "Does shoes and socks count?" Red shakes his head and chuckles "No Donald, they don't count." Cooper smiles "First up, is Raymond."

Red smiled "Lizzie, truth or dare?" Liz smiled "Truth." Red pouted "Come on, Lizzie! Where's your adventurous spirit? Oh fine. How did you really feel when we first met?" Liz giggled nervously "Like a nervous wreck. Your criminal record was the only thing keeping me from falling for your charm. Ress, truth or dare?"

"Dare." Liz smiled "Go hug Red." Ressler growled "No way. And no formalities, Liz." he took off his blue tie. Liz replied "Red's not a formality! It's a nickname!" Donald rolled his eyes "Whatever."

Several rounds of truth or dare later.....

Donald smirked "Raymond, truth or dare?"

"Dare, Donald." he smirked. "Do 7 minutes of heaven with Liz." Red grinned devilishly at Liz and took her hand. "Where to?"

"The box." Red takes Liz to the box and she excitedly puts in the code to open the door. Red then begins to kiss her. As he does, he slides his hand under her shirt.

Donald turned on the camera and looked at the camera feed from the board. They watched as Red took off his vest. Liz purred and continued kissing him. Donald smirked "Should we tell them their time's up?"

Red began unbuttoning his striped shirt, each button showing more and more skin. Liz purred, then noticed the light from the camera. "I think they're watching us." Red looked and frowned "Yeah." He muttered to the camera "I thought making out isn't supposed to be a spectator sport!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2018 ⏰

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