Puppy got claws -Chapter 3

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Key and Info:
- Sclera: the white in your eye.

-Chaos: a soul type that allows the owner of the soul to do almost anything. Create things out of thin air. Dissapear and reappear and so much more.

-Corruption: this soul type allows the owner to take a soul and corrupt it with hate. It also gives them a special attack. This makes black crystals to spawn in the ground and make the opponent see their worst nightmare, or the person/thing they hate the most.

-Your right eye is green with a red pupil. And when mad a purple smoke will come out of both eyes aswell as making both pupils a blood red.

Y/N - Your Name
F/C - Favorite Color
FR/C -Fur Color
M/C - Magic Color
F/N - Friend name
S/B/N - School Bully Name
BFF/ N - BFF's Name (if you don't have one insert your first friend)
M/N - Middle Name
E/C - Eye Color
::POV:: - POV change
~Time skip~ - time skip
'Italic' - thoughts
"Bold" Yelling
(A/N) - authors note
"Italic" emphasis on a word
(Your soul is on the cover!)


::Y/N PoV::

As I walk into the class everyone quiets down. This is honestly normal for me, I mean come on I have gotten in a couple fights and won all of them. Being in a fighting club helps a lot. I sit down and get my magic books ready. The kids here all have magic abilities that match their soul. I have unlimited access to magic seeing as I'm half a soul of chaos. S/B/N (a girl in this)walks up to me smirking. "Hey freak. Meet me by the gates at lunch I want a rematch. S/B/N the girl who has fought me several times and always looses yet still tries to beat me. She goes to the fighting club aswell and spars with me sometimes. The teacher walks in the class and S/B/N walks back to her seat a certain swing to her hips as she moves. Time slows as I my eyes glow a soft M/C 'heh the freak won't even know what hit it's ugly *** face. Heh she might be strong but I can make it look like she started it. I'll just beat myself up and yell for a teacher. She will get exp-' I stopped using magic and tied her shoe laces together making her trip. I quickly undo the laces and make them go back to normal. I turned around quickly faking a face of shock to make it look like I didn't do it. Just to be safe while I used my magic to trip her I made a pencil from my magic. She turns around to face me her face has anger written all over it. "MR BELL SHE TRIPPED ME!!" She yelled pointing at me. I pretend to look slightly hurt. "What? But I'm all the way over here my foot couldn't reach you if I tried!" I retaliated

"You used your stupid a** shadows to do it!" She answered hesitantly. My eyes glowed a bright Orange to show I'm using my honesty magic my eyes were also a dark . "Did you feel something wrap around your ankles?" I ask. "Y-Nggh...N-No." She said in pain from trying to fight the magic. I stop using my magic and face the teacher. "Then I didn't and neither did my shadows. Also please don't call the shadows stupid they keep us from being blinded from the light." I say
matter-of-factly. I hear footsteps nearing me. I turn around only to be met with a fist in my right eye. I fall back my head hitting the floor. My right eye closed tightly from the impact. I stood up my iris's glowed a bright red. As the sclera turned a poison green my eyes narrowed in anger. Purple fumes come from the corners of my eye. "FIGHT! FIGHT!FIGHT!" The students chanted the teacher was watching in amusement silently agreeing. I raise my fist it was ignited in purple flames. I brought it down as it impacted on her right eye. She fell back as a couple of her pawns caught her. I rose my head slightly as my right eye turned to a slit with red pupil turned blood red. " Think before you act." I said before walking to the nurse and getting my bag.

~When you leave the nurses office~

Ms Quail handed me a excuse slip to give to the principal. I walked to my locker and grabbed the bitties whom were asleep. I checked their stats to see they were asleep all 1st period. I sigh softly. I whistle and my blaster runs to me so I can pet her. We make our way to the principals office and hand her the slip before making my way home. I drop off the cage beside the gates after taking the bitties out. I now hold the bitties in my arms as I make my way home.

(Thanks for reading everyone hope u enjoyed also next chapter I tell you what was at the door!

Time: Idk anymore!
Corru Out!)

Chaotic Corruption ( a bittybones x Ultima!reader )Where stories live. Discover now