A/N Notice.

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Hello faithful readers! Just about half an hour ago I uploaded an incredibly crappy chapter for this story, and I apologize profusely and I have since taken it down. Lately I've been feeling zero motivation for writing. I have to enjoy what I'm writing, fangirl with you guys, or I produce absolute garbage. I'm working on a couple other things, but I've promised myself I won't put any of them up until I'm almost done, so I'm not starting you guys off with something and not finishing it. I swear, I'm not giving up on this story, "Kinda Comedian", or "The Dead Beside Me", although I am taking a short break, a hiatus, if you will. I'm not sure yet how long it will be, although I can promise for sure I will have something, even if it's not new chapters of what's published already, up my September 20th. I might have something up before then, but definitely no later. Thank you so much for understanding, I look forward to a fresh start with all of you in the fall!

        Much love to my bitchachos,


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2014 ⏰

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