About ten minutes later, when it's safe to get up out of the seats, Ryan unbuckles her seatbelt and makes her way to Jimmy's side. He whispers softly in her ear as she sits on his lap. "You ok, Ryan?"
"Yeah, I'm alright," she smiles and whispers back.
"You know, something was going to happen on the roof with you and me," says Jimmy softly as he wraps his arms around Ryan's waist. She leans his forehead against his, and their eyes connect. He once again takes her face in his hands and starts to lean in.
His lips touch hers, and the way he feels at her soft, cold lips makes him kiss her more. She wraps her arms around him tighter and he holds her the same as they kiss.
"Guys, I set the plane on a route so now it's auto-pilot. There's a refrigerator in the back if anyone wants to-" Matt walks in on them kissing.
Jimmy and Ryan, with a start, stop and stare at Matt with red faces. Matt stands there for a moment, then walks to the back to get some food, muttering, "We'll be there in an hour."
Jimmy laughs as Ryan buries her face in his chest in embarrasement. He holds her tight and kisses her head and says, "Why don't you just be my girlfriend already?" She lifts her head up and smiles at him, then blushes a shade of crimson. Jimmy laughs again and holds her close as Matt walks by again, laughing to himself and chewing on an apple.
"You flying the plane, man?" asks Jimmy.
"If you heard what I said, you'd know I put it in auto-pilot. I'm just gonna sit here and monitor the controls. You can make out with Ryan more." smirks Matt and goes into the pilot's seat once more.
Jimmy laughs, knowing that Ryan probably blushed even more, and he strokes her hair as he looks out the window.
HorrorRyan is 16, Matt is 17, Jimmy is 18, and none of them will turn a year older if they don't get away from that demon.