Chapter 4

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"Tell me why do you still love me"


The lights became brighter in the hallway where they were usually dim where Eden was. A few others hissed at the newly found light considering they were always in the dark. Eden woke up from her dreamless sleep and squinted her eyes at the brightness of the room. 

They must have fixed them, it's about time, She thought to herself. She didn't like being in the dark, it scared her. More specifically what was in the dark scared her because she was even afraid of herself. What other inhuman creatures like herself were out there in her hallway?

There was her friendly neighbour in front of her who looked completely normal, like any other mortal who walked the earth. But they would barely speak, actually never, so why not be afraid? 

The metal doors opened and a red headed buy came from it along with two guards behind him. Overly cocky he was, the apprentice of The Warden, Aaron ( I'd say he acted like a spoiled brat ). 

He would check on everyone in the morning, taunt them from behind the bars and would flirt shamelessly with Eden. But he was a hormonal teenage boy, what else would he do?

Aaron came by Eden's cage but did not look at her to Eden's surprise. He waved the two guards forward and said, "Replace this cage" with his heavy Irish accent. 

The two guards removed the cage which was bolted to the ground and two others brought out another metal cage, one that should be as strong as titanium. 

"What are you doing?", Eden called out to him with a newfound curiosity (Nothing interesting actually happens where she is). Aaron crouched down in front of her and sneered disdainfully. His nose flaring which distracted her from the freckles that sprinkled his nose. 

"Why, shouldn't you know?", He asked accusingly. Eden glared, "How would I know anything if I'm here?". 

"Well she's your friend"

"Who are you talking about? Then maybe although doubtfully I would know?!" Eden's voice raised from annoyance of this new interrogation. 

"I'm talking about your "roommate" obviously. Experiment 120A. She's caused a bit of trouble", Aaron stood slowly and looked down at her. 

"Oh", She said simply and pulled herself closer to the bars. Her legs skidding across the ground making them dirtier than before she woke. 

"Isn't she your friend?"

"No, I don't know anything about her yet she seems to know a whole lot about me", She grumbled and leaned against the bars on her arm. 

"Funny that she uses her ability on everyone isn't it? It's been a year and I think it would be helpful to have another friend", He stated and watched as the guards drilled in the new cage. 


"Well yeah, me", He feigned hurt and pulled a sad face. 

"Please", She scoffed with a smile and turned her head. Aaron ignored that small comment and began to pace back and forth in front of her. "Do you want to know what happened?" 

"Might as well" 

"She ended up breaking the mirror in the white room and almost, just almost killed The Warden", He chuckled a bit after he said that. There was no reply from Eden, just stunned silence at the act of rebellion. 

"Because he was almost dead...", He smiled gruesomely. "I will be standing in for him today" 

"Where is she?", She suddenly asked, surprising herself with her curiosity. 

"Solitary", The weasel said uninterested in the topic of conversation and he left through the doors once more. 

The guards finished drilling in the cage and left Eden to her own thoughts. A few hours later the doors opened once again and this time around a dozen guards came out holding a blindfolded figure. Experiment 120A. Obsidian, the name unknown to Eden, was thrown into her cage and she laughed with blood pooling from her nose. This laugh chilled Eden from her core but she didn't pull back from the bars, instead she leaned in closer to get a better look at this inmate. 

She had fair, dirtied skin, shoulder length black hair hair and a smile that brought shivers to her spine. Her laugh became louder and more forced near the end of her fit. 

The guards left after locking her in and retreated away to their posts. A few minutes passed by and Eden began to think about the weasels few words when he spoke with her.

Isn't she your friend? 

With all of her bent up courage she spoke to the estranged girl, not frightened of her but instead attracted. "My name's Eden" 

"I know", Obsidian spoke with a faint smile painted across her rose petal lips. Eden shook the look of confusion off her face before she spoke again. 

"And yours is?" 


"That's a st-" 

"Strange name? Yes, but unique", The girl made jazz hands and then began to unravel the blind across her eyes. 

"Can I call you Sid?", Eden suggested carefully. She's never tried making friends, so giving them a nickname is proper right? 

"Can I call you Ed?", Sid asked now dropping her crazy façade. "Sure if you want", Eden shrugged. 

"Great!", Sid's enthusiasm returned and she looked at Eden with her pale grey eyes. 

"How come you know so much about me? Is it your ability?", Eden asked. "Ya know it's funny, but that's exactly what they think", Sid said, a look of mischief displayed on her face. 

"I just observe and hear things that I probably shouldn't. I guess, I estimate and as weird as it seems I'm always right but....". Obsidian came closer to the bars and whispered. "That's not my ability", She smiled.

"Plus, you're just an open book".  

"Not to anyone else", Eden mumbled to herself quietly. 

"Is that so? You seem like the girl that has a lot of friends" 

"The opposite actually", Eden admitted. Surprising herself about how honest and genuine she was acting. 

"I'll be your friend. If you'll be mine", She looked almost afraid. Like she put her guard down and she was nothing but an innocent baby. 

"Sure..... sure I.. thank you", Eden was flustered. Always being alone and never having a friend took a toll on her social skills. 

"You're strange Ed, but I like it", Obsidian laid down onto her back and wiped the blood on her face with her torn sleeve. 

"Can I know more about you?", Eden pressed on. Now relaxed in knowing she had a friend for the first time but still unsure on how to act. 

"No", A sudden harshness returned to Sid's voice. 

"Sorry", Sid said quickly. She had quite a short temper and was stubborn, her passed boyfriend taught her that it was better to apologize. 

"Why not?" 

"I'd rather you don't know. I'll tell you when I feel like it" 

"Fine", Eden said. 

"Fine", Sid retorted.  

And a new friendship had begun. 

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