둘 (2)

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"Arasso" You said

"Speaking of Worldwide Handsome, there he is" Namjoon said

You see Namjoon pointing at the black-haired boy sitting at the back beside Taehyung's chair. You all walk up against him and he smiled

"Annyeong dongsaengs', who is she?" The black-haired boy said

"She's Kim Y/N" Hoseok said

"Kim Y/N... That's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. I'm Kim SeokJin by the way" Jin said

"Annyeong, i hear that they call you Worldwide Handsome" You said

"Yeah they do, because of this face" Jin said

You laughed but you hear Taehyung clear his thraot.

"What?" Jin asked

"Your being all flirty around girls again hyung" Taehyung said

"Say's the on who flirts around girls for the last few years" Jin said

"That's enough" Namjoon said

"Namjoon" Hoseok said

"Yeah?" Namjoon said

"Look at this" Hoseok said

Hoseok hands over his phone to Namjoon and Namjoon looks at it. You see Namjoon's eye's widen at the sight, by your curiousity you ask what's wrong.

"Is there something wrong?" You ask

"N-nothing" Namjoon said

"Lemme see" You said

You go to Namjoon and peek over the phone, you see he's reading the news

For all of the sitizens especially for the kids and students, "He's" Back. We all need for you alk to stay indoors in night time for your safety, and please. Protect yourselves, that's all.

"What does that mean?" You asked

"It's the Psychopath" Namjoon said

"Psycopath? Who's that?" You asked

"Didn't you know? He started to be a Psycho last year" Jin said

"Sorry, i didn't know. I was at Busan when-"

"Wait... Did you say Busan?" Jungkook asked

"Yeah why?" You asked

"That's where he's from" Hoseok said

"Guys maybe we should tell her" Taehyung said

"Ani, it's to early" Jin said

"What so you meam tell me something? And why is it to early?" You asked

"Alright, we'll tell you" Namjoon said

"Who would like to tell it?" Taehyung asked

Jin was about to speak when someone spoke and that made you jump a little.

"Namjoon will tell her" Yoongi said

"Yoongi? I didn't you know you joined us" You said

"I'm kinda always silent when I'm sleepy" Yoongi said

"Arasso, Namjoon. Care to tell us what's about that psycho?" You asked

"Fine" Namjoon said

"We...... Know who the psycho is" Namjoon said

"But why didn't you tell it to the police when you know him?" You asked

"Because he was one of us. He was our bestfriend" Namjoon said

Psychopath (Park Jimin 박지민) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now