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~~~ Continuation ~~~

"Yes, it is me" Your Brother said

"J-Junki hyung?" You asked tears started to brim your eye's

"Yes" Junki said

You run up to him and hug him tightly, he returned the hug and patted your head.

"How are you?" Junki asked

"I'm fine, what about you?" You asked pulling away already crying

"I'm fine, I'm so glad to see you again for so long" Junki said wiping away your tears

"Me too" You said

"Now that is brotherly romance" Your Mother said

"Eomma, you could've just said that Hyung is coming home!" You said

"Well, we wanted to surprise you" You said

"Wait, what do you mean by we?" You asked

"Well... We might've knew that your brother is coming..." Jin said

"You guys are in?" You asked

"Yeah... Sorry if we didn't tell you" Jin said

"Gwenchanha" You said

"Alright, Yoongi, can you introduce me who is these six men?" Your Brother asked

"Arasseo" You said

"This is Jin, the eldest of our group" You said pointing to Jin

"Nice to meet you, and your Min Junki, am ir right?" Jin asked

"Yes, pleasure to meet you" Junki said handshaking Jin

"Okay, this is Hoseok, the third eldest" You said pointing to Hoseok in a Green and Nlack suit

"I'm Hoseok, pleased to meet you Junki" Hoseok said

"Pleased to meet you too Hoseok" Junki said

"Okay, next is... Oh! This i-"

"The name's Namjoon, I'm the fourth eldest, pleased to meet you Junki" Namjoon said handing his hand out to Junki

"Pleased to meet you Namjoon, and i must say, you look like a business man in your suit" Junki said

"Thank you Junki, you too" Namjoon said

"Okay... Next is... Where's Jimin?" You asked

"I'm here" Jimin said

You look at the stairs and see Jimin fixing his hair, his hair had a pink color and his brushing it slightly.

"That's Jimin third from the Youngest" You said pointing to Jimin

Jimin finally walked to Junki, and shaked his hand.

"Pleased to meet you Junki" Jimin said

"Pleased to meet you" Junki said smiling

Jimin let go of his hand and walked back beside you.

"Where did you go? You were here a minute ago" You whispered

"I forgot to put color on my hair" Jimin said

"Arasseo" You said

"Okay... Next is Taehyung second fron the Youngest" You said

"I'm Taehyung" Taehyung said handshaking Junki

"I'm Junki" Junki said

"Mmm... Next is Jungkook, the Youngest, and the Maknae of our group" You said

Psychopath (Park Jimin 박지민) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now